methane Special Report, "Water that thou shalt not drink": The water cover other interests? In many parts of the world mining progresses at a staggering pace. This involves an excessive consumption of water, and the balance of an area devastated. Miners never (or rarely) are local. This equity firms and CAD, mainly for the case of Latin America, or European capital. One might ask: why, despite being from the countries most powerful militarily and economically, and are the most interference with them, multilateral agencies, like the WB, do not realize the risks of mining to water, good at the same time claim that progress towards the shortage?
The English language dictionary of the English Royal Academy, provides the following definition: "Water: (Del lat. Aqua). Substance whose molecules are formed by the combination of an oxygen atom and two hydrogen, liquid, odorless, tasteless and colorless. It is the most abundant component of the earth's surface and more or less pure form of rain, fountains, rivers and seas is a constituent of all living organisms and appears in natural compounds. "
Let's stick to these three terms: odorless, tasteless and colorless. That is, through it would be fine. However, it appears that the current debate over water actually serves to hide other natural resources of interest. Could say that the sudden "opening the tap" of the debate on the future of water, was used to flood it all, and cover other interests.
is true that "drinking water is a scarce commodity, which is only 2.5 percent of total water in the world, while the remaining 97.5 percent is found in seas and oceans" as says Professor of History, a specialist in geopolitics, and national defense, Elsa Bruzzone. The phrase belongs to the book by Bruzzone, who is also honorary adviser of the Argentine National Congress, "Water Wars."
is also true that, as the author on the same page, "the technology to desalinate sea water there, but poses problems: it is expensive because it requires lots of energy and has not yet found a way to get rid the brine is in the process and chemicals used in it. "
Until then, all contribute to pay the theory that, to a future with access to water problems in much of the planet, this will be a vital element of conflict. No shortage of reasons to suppose, because what are background abound realize that strategy of the countries most powerful militarily and economically, to crush the weak.
Topics to think
As counterpart arise some apparent absurdities in this look. On the one hand, the groundwater reserves of the planet are more than abundant, and are well above the water surface, which would enable humanity to a long and prosperous survival. Is clear that water is not evenly distributed throughout the globe, and that these aquifers or underground reservoirs are virginal state (or nearly) in the continent militarily and economically less powerful, such as Africa and South and Central America, or some parts of Asia.
Just write it, it is possible to imagine the scene: a North American or thirsty Europe, resorting to the use of force to quench their thirst at water sources of their weaker neighbors. An image question, but ... logic?
In the worst case scenario, with a military landing in South America and Africa for the "theft" systematic water, just try to imagine the astronomical costs that would move the vital liquid to sites of consumption. How much would, then, watering crops, or to water the livestock animals? And that if the focus is productive only to the issue. The question might arise regarding what are the costs of a shower?, Or even the bathroom for a pet. In the other case, that of an invasion, accompanied by a progressive transfer of population, there is even less logical support.
not over water drop by drop ...
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