Wednesday, December 24, 2008
How Long Does It Take To Get Stds
About message:
The message is that "there is only one principle that guides the universe in all directions: Equality and unity."
This principle must be understood if humanity wishes to overcome the deterioration and destruction of consciousness.
About Videos:
There is very little time to describe everything in detail in an interview. For this reason, many documents are available on the website in more detail to clarify some things.
There is also a forum where You can post questions for interdimensional beings: http::// In the YouTube interviews were held for another 2 years after interviews will stop because this reality is in complete chaos.
Nature of material:
The nature of this material is controversial - you should see a majority of the videos in order to obtain another perspective - make a trial after seeing 2 or 3 interviews do not give a person the ability self-actualization. This world is a prison for the mind. Very few prisoners have escaped without discipline and common sense.
Name: Desteni Productions
About women in the videos:
The interdimensional portal is a girl of 23 years. She started with this ability 4 years ago and happened to a break, at one time and has continued with this skill since then. No matter how many anifiesten dimensional beings through his body during the day. There is no power fluctuation.
Desteni Channel on Veoh TV
DesteniProductions Official Website
videos by topic map
Gay Cruse Spots In Jacksonville
hidden symbols The Israel Supreme Court.
Israel's Supreme Court is located on a plot of land opposite the Knesset and next to the Central Bank of the Rothschilds of Israel.
The building is filed in accordance with Ley Lines [1] connecting the Knesset building, the building in downtown Jerusalem and Rockefeller State Museum.
The Rockefeller were among the first that made him financial support to the Zionist state of Israel because of the oil and financial partnerships with the Rothschilds and their mutual policy goals.
Israel at the entrance to the Supreme Court building is a large picture of the "founding fathers" of the court. The image includes the 4th. Baron Jacob Rothschild at that time was president of the Foundation of their parents, the Yad Hanadiv.
Outside the House President's letter shows that Mrs. Dorothy de Rothschild sent to Prime Minister Shimon Peres, who expressed his intention to donate a new building for the Supreme Court. In accordance with the guidance of her husband James Illuminati, the designers of the building were ordered to incorporate various symbols Illuminati:
- The all-seeing eye: This is the occult symbol is on the left of the building exterior. Its symbolism is taken from the book of Genesis in which the serpent promised Adam and Eve that their "eyes would be opened" if they eat from the tree of "knowledge" of good and evil. The Hebrew word for "eyes" in this passage is in the singular. The pyramid in which the eye is inserted represents the hierarchical command Global Rule the World (World Wide Rule) of the Rothschilds.
- The Christian cross trampled: The left front of the building, there are steps leading down to a figure adapted from the Christian cross designed to be trampled under the feet of whoever is in that place.
- The Egyptian Obelisk: Part of the exterior architecture includes a garden with a hidden Egyptian obelisk. This symbolizes the Illuminati culture, the origins of the Egyptian-Israeli Jews, along with Rothschild's vision of a union of global rules, tying the obelisks of New York and London.
(The New York obelisk is a twin of which is in London, both called Cleopatra's Needles. It was originally erected by Thutmose III in Heliopolis, city of ancient Egypt, circa 1468 BC)
- Compas & Masonic square letter "G" in the middle: the other side of the main hall there are stairs that lead to hidden Masonic symbol of the compass and square with the "G" in the center. The "G" taken from the Greek word "gnosis" is the "knowledge" that is the key to the Illuminati culture.
- The Rothschilds and the rebuilding of the Temple: The Rothschilds have been the main financial backers of archaeological excavations in Israel. The excavation of Masada was known to Israelis as "Excavation of Masada Edmond de Rothschild" under the auspices of the Palestine Exploration Fund (PEF), the Rothschilds. The PEF established the Biblical Archaeology Society which publishes the Biblical Archaeology Review, sold as the authority over the Temple of Solomon.
In December 1995, a month after Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated by an ultranationalist Jew, Jerusalem Masonic Lodge was established adjacent to the Temple Mount in the underground Grotto of King Solomon. The lodge was founded by the Grand Master of the Italian Illuminati Giuliano Di Bernardo at the opening ceremony, said: "The rebuilding of the Temple is located in the center of our studies."
Orthodox Christian Church teaches that the Jewish Temple rebuilt house the Anti -Christ will be a Jew. This is consistent with the predictions of the holy prophet Daniel says that the Anti Christ "God of his parents will ignore" (Daniel 11).
Ley Lines:
Full article in English
Israel Supreme Court & Illuminati. P.1
Israel Supreme Court & Illuminati. P.2
Illuminati Supreme Court
Monday, December 22, 2008
Outdoor Santa Claus Lights
CLIFFORD STONE: The Project Camelot interviews Clifford Stone at the Roswell Museum in New Mexico. After listening for a while it becomes clear that you're in the presence of a very special man. This gentleman is gentle words to explain an amazing story about his friend Korona extra-terrestrial, as was a missions to recover remains of accidents in Vietnam in the 60s, as he helped an alien to escape from military custody. He speaks of the rights of visitors when they are in captivity, their sense of sacrifice for our well-being of humanity. He speaks of the need for us to worry about what happens to the other, and as the real feeling for one another is what will make a difference as we move forward to join the galactic community.
The Camelot Project interviews the honorable Bob Dean. In Part One, Bob shares with us his knowledge of the UFO phenomenon and what he found while working at SHAPE in Europe in the '60s: a formal and detailed report of one-half inch thick on the extra-terrestrial problem at that time called simply The Evaluation. Having the card for free access to the document, read it and re-read many times, and tells us how that changed his life. Later, after retiring from the army, took a courageous decision to defy his Oath of Secrecy and began to speak publicly about what he had learned. In the second part of the interview, Bob tells us that this is probably his last interview, and in doing so, he pauses, takes a breath, and reveals the camera for the first time he has been contacted, and has been aboard the ship.
Gary McKinnon
Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot came to London to interview Gary McKinnon. Gary is lucid, eloquent and extremely intelligent. Makes clear that the real reason the Americans want to extradite him, not for any damage he has caused, and that in fact there were none. Is being prosecuted for what could be seen. Specifically, documents revealing a list of Non-Terrestrial Officers and cargo operations out of this world somewhere in space, pointing to the possibility of giving military activities in relation to other planets. This possibility has to be mind-boggling for the average person who just comes to understand that perhaps there really aliens from other worlds interacting with the Earth and their governments in the vicinity of our solar system. Key to the whole issue of extradition is the issue that did not require passwords to enter and access this material and that a relatively unprofessional hacker, self-taught but brilliant, would be able, with a dial-up modem, access top secret to NASA files and places as sacrosanct as the Pentagon.
Michael St.Clair
Project Camelot interviews Michael St Clair, a renowned futurist and visionary, in the magical Chateau de Chillon in Montreux. St. Clair has written a book called Zen of Stars (The Zen of Stars) that talks about the transformations and earth changes in the coming years. As he says: We are psychic beings inhabiting a physical reality. St. Clair is a synthesist covering areas such as astrology, astronomy, cosmology and the evolution of the human soul. Inspired by the work of Krishnamurti. Talks about the future of our planet Earth and our growing awakening that is launching a vision was well informed about the fusion of reality. His work focuses on the notion of growth of small communities and safe places to anyone who wants remain in the coming years can live up to their ideals while maintaining the calm necessary for anchorage of shelters for those around them.
Ralph Ring - Aquamarine Dreams
Ralph Ring is a brilliant and innovative technician who as a teenager, from the late 50s and early 60s, worked closely with Otis T. Carr With the help of his small team, Carr, who was a protege of the great inventor Nikola Tesla, built a number of flying discs that worked before his experiment was terminated forcibly by government agents. In a dramatic experiment, Ring co-piloted a 45-foot disk a distance of 10 miles, arriving at their destination instantaneously. Ring, now aged 71, tells his story to the Project Camelot, the first time he has been told.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Shampoo Bottles In Checked Baggage
SURE NOT conscious, but if unconscious .... IF SO DO
Halga to change the situation ... NOT GOING WELL. CONTRACT
"Anonymous" left this ruthless text in a commentary in The Power of Words. Hard for quite true. We believe that deserves a wider dissemination of their harsh reality.
Our inaction is synonymous with the acceptance of these terms of the contract to come in "small print".
Thank you, Anonymous. Thank you very much everyone for your contributions. Shortly
ACCEPT care about our beliefs or our political ideas, the system instituted rests on the tacit agreement of a type of contract approved by each of us, which broadly set before you:
1 .- I accept as a basis for competitiveness our system, although I am aware that this operation generates frustration and anger at the vast majority of losers.
2 .- I agree that I humiliate or exploit my condition that I be permitted humiliate or exploit other people to occupy an inferior place in the social pyramid.
3 .- I accept the social exclusion of marginalized, the misfits and the weak because I think you can assume the burden society has its limits.
4 .- I agree to compensate the banks for them to invest my salary to your convenience and do not give me any dividend of its huge profits (profits that used to rob poor countries, a fact implicitly accepted). I also agree that I deducted a strong commission for lending money, money that comes exclusively from the other customers.
5 .- I agree that we throw tons of frozen food for courses stock does not collapse, instead of offering it to the needy and to allow several hundred thousand people do not die of hunger every year.
6 .- I agree that it is illegal to end your life quickly, tolerate change is made slowly inhaling or ingesting toxic substances approved by governments.
7 .- I agree that war is made in order to make peace reign.
8 .- I accept that on behalf of peace, the State is spending on defense. Then accept that conflicts are created artificially to get rid of the stock of arms and allow the world economy forward.
9 .- I accept the hegemony of oil in our economy, although it is a very expensive and polluting energy and agree to prevent any attempt to unveil the replacement if we have found a way to produce unlimited free energy. I agree that would be our undoing. 10 .-
accept condemning the killing of another human, unless the government decree that is an enemy and encourage me to kill him.
11 .- I agree to split the public opinion by creating a right and left parties as a hobby that will fight among themselves making me believe that the system is progressing. 12 .- In addition
accept all kinds of possible division as long as these divisions allow me to focus my anger to the designated enemies when they shake their portraits before my eyes.
13 .- I agree that the power to make public, before held by religions, is now in the hands of businessmen who are unelected entirely free to control the states because I am convinced that will make good use with him.
14 .- I agree that the idea of \u200b\u200bhappiness is reduced to the comfort, love sex and freedom to the satisfaction of all desires, because that's what advertising tells me every day. The more unhappy I am more consumption. Fulfill my role contributing to the proper functioning of our economy.
15 .- I agree that the value of a person is proportional to its bank account to appreciate its usefulness in terms of productivity and not their qualities, and is excluded from the system if it produces enough.
16 .- I agree that comfortably reward football players and actors, let alone teachers and doctors in charge of education and health of future generations.
17 .- It is ok to be banished from society to older people whose experience could be useful, then, as we are the most advanced civilization on the planet (and no doubt the universe) we know that the experience or shared or transmitted.
18 .- I accept that I present negative news terrifying the world every day, so you can appreciate how our situation is normal and how lucky I have to live in the West. I know I keep fear in our minds can only be good for us.
I agree that the industrial, military and state leaders to hold regular meetings, without consultation, to take decisions affecting the future of life and the planet. 19 .- I accept
consume beef treated with hormones without explicitly tell me. I agree that the cultivation of GMOs (genetically modified organisms) from spreading throughout the world, thus allowing agribusiness multinationals patenting of life forms, store substantial profits and get under his yoke to world agriculture.
20 .- I accept that international banks lend money to countries who want to arm themselves and fight, and so they will choose the war and those without. I am aware that it is better to finance the two sides to be sure of making money and prolong the conflict as long as possible in order to fully take over their resources if they can not repay their loans.
21 .- I accept that multinationals fail to take Western social progress in poor countries. Considering that it is fortunate for them that make them work. I prefer to use existing laws in these countries that allow children to work in inhumane and insecure conditions. On behalf of human rights and CITIZEN, we have no right to exercise intervention.
22 .- I agree that the pharmaceutical and food manufacturers selling products in poor countries using outdated or carcinogenic substances banned in the West.
23 .- I accept that the rest of the planet, that is four billion people, may think otherwise provided should not come to express their belief in our house, and still less try to explain our history with its notions primitive philosophical.
24 .- I accept the idea that there are only two possibilities in nature, namely: to hunt or be hunted, and if we are endowed with a consciousness and language is certainly not to escape from this duality, but to justify why we act this way.
25 .- I agree to consider our past as a seamless continuation of conflict, political conspiracies and hegemonic intentions, but I know that today this no longer exists because we are in the highest of our evolution, and because the rules that govern our world are the pursuit of happiness and freedom for all peoples, as we hear endlessly in our political discourse
26 .- I accept without question and believe as true all the theories proposed to explain of the mysteries of our origins. And I accept that nature has been able to devote millions of years to create a human being whose only hobby is the destruction of their own species in a moment.
27 .- I accept the pursuit of profit as the supreme goal of humanity and the accumulation of wealth as the realization of human life.
28 .- I accept the destruction of forests, the near disappearance of fish in the rivers and our oceans. I accept the increase of industrial pollution and the spread of chemical poisons and radioactive elements in nature.
29 .- I accept the use of all types of chemical additives in my diet I am convinced that if added it because they are useful and safe.
30 .- I accept the economic war which acts strictly on the planet, although I feel that takes us toward an unprecedented catastrophe.
31 .- I accept this situation, and I guess I can do nothing to change or improve.
32 .- I accept being treated like cattle because I definitely think that I am worth more. ACCEPT
I know you all act for my sake and for all, so thank you.
"I agree" is a text-released in 2003 to mark the sad anniversary of the events of September 11, "highly symbolic for humanity." This text, which was read, among others, on French radio, sternly reminds us that we accept the social contract with prórroga.Un tacit agreement that we signed every morning when I wake up and just do nothing. More than a social critique in this brief text highlights facts resulting from our undeniable penchant for comfort, indifference and alienation.
Made by Amistad on Earth, September 11, 2003. An anonymous who sent the text to be broadcast NOEL.
Microfiber Vs. Microsuede
panic Revive War of the Worlds in Mexico
In about 2 pm local newscast (radioreportaje) gave the extraordinary news, the apparent collapse of a meteorite in the mountains of the region (Hill fig), near the city of Jojutla ...
Andrés Eloy Martinez Rojas
El Universal
Wednesday November 5, 2008
In the city named a crater on Mars, Jojutla in the state of Morelos, staged radio one more time in the novel by HG Wells "War of the Worlds", as it did 70 years ago, filmmaker Orson Wells. The production was done by Urania Astronomical Society, as an activity prior to what will be the International Year of Astronomy in 2009.
At exactly 2 pm, a local newscast (radioreportaje) gave the extraordinary news, the apparent fall of a meteorite in a mountain area (Fig Tree Hill), near the city of Jojutla. Reporters XEART station, the signal interviewed 152 witnesses and described in the radio drama, the arrival of a cylindrical device, which emitted a strange buzzing.
To add more realism to the transmission, Urania Astronomical Society invited to join the mayor of Jojutla, Alberto Cabrera who starred on the issue, calling for calm and warned people not to act aggressively to the crew of the alleged alien spacecraft . She also participated communications director of the state government's policy of Morelos, Javier Lopez, who announced the implementation of a state emergency plan to the contingency, as well as contact with NASA.
journalist Enrique Campos Suárez, from the city Mexico, for its part confirmed by reading fictional international cables detecting an unidentified flying object by NASA and the European Space Agency, also announced cuts information on the subject in the major U.S. television networks.
At the climax of the drama, when in many cases have lost contact with one of two reporters in the area where the ship landed, the only survivor recounts the departure of an alien being who attacks him, missing communication. The driver of the news finally and with trembling voice announces transmission problems, cutting this and being a minute, "away the air. "
During transmission lines from the local radio phone did not stop ringing, alarmed by what they heard on the air, despite the warning was made before starting the role play, in this way is recorded attacks panic and anger of some listeners, knowing that everything had been fictitious.
Astronomical Society, pointed out that since Galileo turned his first telescope at the stars in 1609, humanity has made considerable progress in understanding the cosmos. But one aspect that remains a mystery so far is the possibility of the existence of space civilizations with which we have not contacted. HG Wells novel narrated in a violent encounter with beings from Mars.
not really know what their attitude toward us, many scientists are confident that they will have completed its earliest stages of aggression, according to the Astronomical Association, who also announced the existence of an international protocol on contact with an extraterrestrial civilization has 9 points:
1. Any anonymous person, public research institution or private or government agency believes he has detected a sign or evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence (the discoverer) should seek to verify that signal can not be anything other than an alien signal as a natural phenomenon or human before making any public announcement. If the test can not be confirmed as extraterrestrial signal, the inventor must disclose the information as for the discovery of an unknown phenomenon.
2. Before publicly report the detection of extraterrestrial intelligence, the discoverer should promptly inform all observers or organizations engaged in this search that are parties to this declaration, so that they can seek confirmation of the discovery through their observations and it can establish a network to monitor and listen to the signal or continuous phenomenon.
Participants in this statement shall not make any public announcement of this information until they determine the credibility and reliability of the detection of a signal or from an extraterrestrial intelligence. The discoverer should inform the authorities most relevant to your nation.
3. After concluding that the discovery appears to be credible evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence, and after informing the other parties to this declaration, the discoverer should inform observers throughout the world through the Central Bureau of Astronomical Telegrams International Astronomical Union, and must inform the Secretary General of the United Nations in accordance with Article XI of "The Treaty of Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and other celestial bodies. "
Because of their demonstrated interest and expertise in the subject matter of the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence, the discoverer must also simultaneously inform the following international institutions must provide all data obtained so far on the test: The
International Telecommunication Union, The Committee for the Exploration Space, The International Council of Scientific Unions, International Astronautical Federation, International Academy of Astronautics, the International Institute on space law, the Commission 51 of the International Astronomical Union and Commission J of the International Union of Radio Science.
4. The confirmed detection of extraterrestrial intelligence should be disseminated quickly, openly and widely through scientific channels and mass media, respecting the procedures in this statement. The discoverer has the privilege of making the first public announcement.
5. All data required for confirmation of detection should be provided to the international scientific community through publications, meetings, conferences and other means deemed appropriate.
6. The discovery must be confirmed and followed, any data will be recorded and stored permanently in a way that is available for further analysis and interpretation. These recordings are available for the above-named organizations and members of the scientific community so they can be studied in detail.
7. If the test is detection of electromagnetic waves through the participants of this statement must seek authorization that allows the frequencies necessary to protect through the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Immediately shall advise the Secretary General of the ITU in Geneva should seek a reduction in transfers involving the aforementioned frequencies through its weekly circular.
Secretary in collaboration with the department of administration shall observe the possibility of convening an Extraordinary Conference to discuss the issue and look for possible solutions.
8. No response to that signal or other evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence will be sent until appropriate international consulates from forming. The possible response will be studied in a separate agreement or treaty.
9. The SETI Committee of the International Academy of Astronautics, in coordination with the commission 51 of the International Astronomical Union, will conduct a continuing review of procedures for the detection of extraterrestrial intelligence and the resulting manipulation of data. If you find evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence would establish a committee for the ongoing analysis and interpretation of data and report it to the public.
This committee shall consist of representatives of institutions previously mentioned and those institutions that they deem necessary, the list of persons shall be sent and provided to the Secretary of the International Academy of Astronautics. The latter will be the repository for that list. Finally
Urania Astronomical Society announced that it will rise to the transmission network page so anyone can listen, also released some other events before the international year of astronomy by the committee Dr. heads national Silvia Torres, who will be announced in due course.