Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Microfiber Vs. Microsuede

panic Revive War of the Worlds in Mexico

panic Revive War of the Worlds in Mexico
In about 2 pm local newscast (radioreportaje) gave the extraordinary news, the apparent collapse of a meteorite in the mountains of the region (Hill fig), near the city of Jojutla ...

Andrés Eloy Martinez Rojas
El Universal
Wednesday November 5, 2008
In the city named a crater on Mars, Jojutla in the state of Morelos, staged radio one more time in the novel by HG Wells "War of the Worlds", as it did 70 years ago, filmmaker Orson Wells. The production was done by Urania Astronomical Society, as an activity prior to what will be the International Year of Astronomy in 2009.

At exactly 2 pm, a local newscast (radioreportaje) gave the extraordinary news, the apparent fall of a meteorite in a mountain area (Fig Tree Hill), near the city of Jojutla. Reporters XEART station, the signal interviewed 152 witnesses and described in the radio drama, the arrival of a cylindrical device, which emitted a strange buzzing.

To add more realism to the transmission, Urania Astronomical Society invited to join the mayor of Jojutla, Alberto Cabrera who starred on the issue, calling for calm and warned people not to act aggressively to the crew of the alleged alien spacecraft . She also participated communications director of the state government's policy of Morelos, Javier Lopez, who announced the implementation of a state emergency plan to the contingency, as well as contact with NASA.

journalist Enrique Campos Suárez, from the city Mexico, for its part confirmed by reading fictional international cables detecting an unidentified flying object by NASA and the European Space Agency, also announced cuts information on the subject in the major U.S. television networks.

At the climax of the drama, when in many cases have lost contact with one of two reporters in the area where the ship landed, the only survivor recounts the departure of an alien being who attacks him, missing communication. The driver of the news finally and with trembling voice announces transmission problems, cutting this and being a minute, "away the air. "

During transmission lines from the local radio phone did not stop ringing, alarmed by what they heard on the air, despite the warning was made before starting the role play, in this way is recorded attacks panic and anger of some listeners, knowing that everything had been fictitious.

Astronomical Society, pointed out that since Galileo turned his first telescope at the stars in 1609, humanity has made considerable progress in understanding the cosmos. But one aspect that remains a mystery so far is the possibility of the existence of space civilizations with which we have not contacted. HG Wells novel narrated in a violent encounter with beings from Mars.

not really know what their attitude toward us, many scientists are confident that they will have completed its earliest stages of aggression, according to the Astronomical Association, who also announced the existence of an international protocol on contact with an extraterrestrial civilization has 9 points:

1. Any anonymous person, public research institution or private or government agency believes he has detected a sign or evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence (the discoverer) should seek to verify that signal can not be anything other than an alien signal as a natural phenomenon or human before making any public announcement. If the test can not be confirmed as extraterrestrial signal, the inventor must disclose the information as for the discovery of an unknown phenomenon.

2. Before publicly report the detection of extraterrestrial intelligence, the discoverer should promptly inform all observers or organizations engaged in this search that are parties to this declaration, so that they can seek confirmation of the discovery through their observations and it can establish a network to monitor and listen to the signal or continuous phenomenon.

Participants in this statement shall not make any public announcement of this information until they determine the credibility and reliability of the detection of a signal or from an extraterrestrial intelligence. The discoverer should inform the authorities most relevant to your nation.

3. After concluding that the discovery appears to be credible evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence, and after informing the other parties to this declaration, the discoverer should inform observers throughout the world through the Central Bureau of Astronomical Telegrams International Astronomical Union, and must inform the Secretary General of the United Nations in accordance with Article XI of "The Treaty of Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and other celestial bodies. "

Because of their demonstrated interest and expertise in the subject matter of the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence, the discoverer must also simultaneously inform the following international institutions must provide all data obtained so far on the test: The

International Telecommunication Union, The Committee for the Exploration Space, The International Council of Scientific Unions, International Astronautical Federation, International Academy of Astronautics, the International Institute on space law, the Commission 51 of the International Astronomical Union and Commission J of the International Union of Radio Science.

4. The confirmed detection of extraterrestrial intelligence should be disseminated quickly, openly and widely through scientific channels and mass media, respecting the procedures in this statement. The discoverer has the privilege of making the first public announcement.

5. All data required for confirmation of detection should be provided to the international scientific community through publications, meetings, conferences and other means deemed appropriate.

6. The discovery must be confirmed and followed, any data will be recorded and stored permanently in a way that is available for further analysis and interpretation. These recordings are available for the above-named organizations and members of the scientific community so they can be studied in detail.

7. If the test is detection of electromagnetic waves through the participants of this statement must seek authorization that allows the frequencies necessary to protect through the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Immediately shall advise the Secretary General of the ITU in Geneva should seek a reduction in transfers involving the aforementioned frequencies through its weekly circular.

Secretary in collaboration with the department of administration shall observe the possibility of convening an Extraordinary Conference to discuss the issue and look for possible solutions.

8. No response to that signal or other evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence will be sent until appropriate international consulates from forming. The possible response will be studied in a separate agreement or treaty.

9. The SETI Committee of the International Academy of Astronautics, in coordination with the commission 51 of the International Astronomical Union, will conduct a continuing review of procedures for the detection of extraterrestrial intelligence and the resulting manipulation of data. If you find evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence would establish a committee for the ongoing analysis and interpretation of data and report it to the public.

This committee shall consist of representatives of institutions previously mentioned and those institutions that they deem necessary, the list of persons shall be sent and provided to the Secretary of the International Academy of Astronautics. The latter will be the repository for that list. Finally

Urania Astronomical Society announced that it will rise to the transmission network www.uraniaguerradelosmundos.blogspot.com page so anyone can listen, also released some other events before the international year of astronomy by the committee Dr. heads national Silvia Torres, who will be announced in due course.




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