By Israel Shamir, Jewish anti-Zionist.
May 15, 2008
"In the art of policing, there is a trick well known to readers of John Le Carré: the suspect remains a crude hound, but he realizes that follow the steps and he manages to mislead, is happy because it was safe and surveillance. But it has not realized that other detectives that he hit and that will take you to die. In professional terms this is called "double track" .
Recently, it seems some of us are fooled by this kind of maneuver in the event of a Zionist plot to infiltrate Wikipedia. This powerful encyclopedia on the net, which is presented as free and open so that anyone can step in there, creating pages or changing them at will. The intervening there you do so anonymously, their identity remains hidden under a pseudonym. This rule, apparently as bright, pay a fee, has a dark side: with the guarantee of anonymity, a certain group treacherously can infiltrate the system, distorting the whole and create a fake image of the world, able to deceive millions of people. As we see, this is exactly what is happening.
A conspiracy? Sure. Does a Jewish conspiracy? Sure! Ni more or less! How did you guess? The exchange of e-mails showing it was intercepted and published, revealing a radical Zionist plan to subdue the 'Wiki'. Let's take steps, how it was happening. First, a pro-Palestinian site, called Electronic Intifada (EI), based in USA, moderate leftist (some would qualify as domesticated) revealed that the radical and extremist Zionist organization CAMERA had called a 'volunteers who could bolster the group "intervening in the Wiki so that the articles on Israel that appear there match your interests and / or world view, typical of right-wing Zionists. This initiative should remain secret, did not have to learn neither the public nor the media. Covert action and the costume would be crucial for success. A CAMERA officer instructed the volunteers, contributors must register as Wikipedia and then leave to intervene in the publication of materials relating to Israel for a while, "to not appear as specialists in a particular subject." In other words, everything should appear as a fortuitous coincidence between individuals without the slightest trace of ideological affiliation Proi-sraelí, and for this reason, these volunteers had to avoid using pseudonyms that identified them as pro-Israel, or to stop suspect his real name. The e-mails explaining the Zionist apprentices how to act on behalf of Israel still using neutral language. It emphasized in particular that was a long haul operation "is a marathon not a sprint," explained one instructor Zionist nickname "Zeq" in the exchange of e-mails.
's article Electronic Intifada (EI, pro-Palestinian web site) revealed the conspiracy did in angry tone. How was it possible, raised EI, Wiki, an objective source of information, was the victim of Zionist infiltrators? If however, the article was both an advertisement for Wiki seemed therefore argued that "openness and good faith are part of the fundamental principles of Wikipedia. Anyone in the world can write or correct articles, but Wikipedia has rules of operation and control mechanisms to ensure its protection against vandalism, plagiarism or distortion of data. For the same safeguards that articles about the Palestinian / Israeli far have been well founded, useful and objective. "
next day, on April 22, 2008, EI updated this article with a triumphant approach designed to calm the situation, "the plan devised by the group of pro-Israeli pressure to divert Wikipedia CAMERA in a sense pro-Israel failed, thanks to the revelations of EI ', we have to cast a Zeq, and anyway, it was only a handful of active players who had CAMERA at the time revealed that EI scheme. In other words, that "now I walk perfectly Wiki" and "the Zionists have appalled," "All thanks to the courage of EI militants." It was just a small operation tested by the enemies of freedom, and that was, according to EI.
But to see: is this a valid analysis, or free advertising for Wikipedia? Will EI received on the night of April 21 that an offer could not refuse, by the owner of Wiki? Only a Zionist can think that "Wikipedia articles on key elements surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict have so far been well founded, useful, and objectives." Quite the contrary! Obvious extreme distortion, just read for example, what we say to Hamas, including the exchange of messages about the article, the phrase deleted and added. It defines Hamas as a "well known for multiple suicide bombings and other attacks directed against civilians [wait a moment: is well known by whom? For me it is known as the main party in Palestine, and secondly as a grassroots organization for mutual aid local-ish] The Hamas charter calls for the destruction of Israel [while all the major parties of Israel are united in the agenda of the destruction of Palestine - ISH] ... Many described the organization as anti-Semitic. " Is this what they call objectivity? Later, the article says, among other things: Hamas is considered by U.S. as a terrorist organization. This is true, but not the whole truth. I personally intervened to add: "however, Russia has refused to consider Hamas a terrorist organization." My addition was erased in the act by the Zionist official in charge of surveillance. Hamas is a terrorist, and stop. And not discussed.
Only a fool, a very dishonest person, or a person who has never used Wikipedia, you may think that the plan "designed to divert to Wikipedia in a pro-Israel failed." The bloodhound that followed us was thrown awkwardly steps because CAMERA was not really just a bunch of amateurs, but amateurs extremist Jewish nationalists really incapable of doing any great harm. They do not represent the mainstream in the Jewish Quarter, but it does provide a useful service, because they serve for the mainstream ("mainstream") seem moderate in comparison. CAMERA is being harassed by the same as being reported by the Ku Klux Klan, proves nothing. Harass everybody, even the moderate Zionists and other philo-Semites who CAMERA fans consider insufficiently Zionist, that is what they did with Johann Hari, a professional English philo-Semite, which raised recently: "I've got both in the Finsbury Park mosque and among Holocaust deniers, neo-Nazis to denounce hatred, which the Jews went to the Islamic television channel to challenge anti-Semitism of Islamists, I received a flood of death threats where I crossed out of "loves the Jews." He ends complaining: CAMERA says that I am a close enemy of Jews, next to Joseph Goebbels!
However, when fans fall from grace and end up kicked out, are professionals who follow the work. Wiki actually is so in favor of Jewry and the Jewish Chronicle newspaper. The world, as portrayed, agrees completely with the Jewish worldview, thanks to a group of editors and referees, as fixed as devoted to his cause.
The vaunted free to add and remove no more than a decoy to trap millions of writers who build the encyclopedia free of charge. If Wiki were truly free, to the extent that "ordinary people" is the majority, we should find a democratic outlook on the world not perverted by a minority, but none of this happens in the real Wikipedia. The apparent chaos of the Wiki is actually tightly controlled by a hierarchy of "Agent Smith" which ensure control of the "Matrix" of the Wiki. Deleted references to Jewish misdeeds, while increasing any feat of any Jew. Israel-Palestine is a sector within the universal field that is your goal. For example, block and attempts to draw to mention the Jewish origin of the founder of the Satanist, a La Vey (originally Levy), although this explains His hatred of Christianity. Insist on the inferiority of Poincare versus Einstein, of Jung compared to Freud or Proudhon versus Marx. Every gesture hostile to the Jewish quarter is remembered, every act of Jewry against the "goyim [non-Jews, n. of t] disappears out of memory organized in our generation. No need to infiltrate fans who actually handle the machinery.
A Zeq expelled him for his indiscretions, but the man on which she wrote with such admiration, which he described as a model to his apprentices ("work with him and learn with him), an executive editor Wiki Zionist called Jayjg still there. Jayjg is not just an editor, is an arbitrator acts as judge in Wikipedia. Appointed him to this position the website owner personally. Is an "Agent Smith" in the Wiki-Matrix. You can see his work in many entries: clever and unscrupulous, is a master of subterfuge and trickery. Another
'Agent Smith' highest ranking is Cberlet or John Foster (Chip) Berlet, the scourge of the network. It works with many different names. He collaborates with ADL (Jewish Anti-Defamation League), Jewish thought police. Although previously denied having any relationship to ADL, he admitted to the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs that "had a relationship ADL cordial professional "and" had done research in cooperation with ADL. " New York newspaper Forward reported that Berlet information from an informant gave the FBI anti ADL directly. Ace Hayes wrote: John Foster "Chip" Berlet was involved in the last five years, virtual attacks on any independent critique of the imperial state that you can mention the reader. " His performance is funded by the Ford Foundation. Michael Collins Piper in his monumental book about the Kennedy assassination, entitled The Last Judgement, states that "Chip" Berlet is a CIA agent. Naturally, the Wiki article is dedicated to him protected against any change or addition. The arbitration committee (those who hold the reins in the Wiki) "admit their Cberlet hero worship", he informed me an important "infiltrator" mine.
These people are discreet, they will not go speaking about his devotion to the Jewish cause, the hiding under the veil of bureaucratic expressions and abbreviations. The caste that supports include some alleged anti-Zionist Jews, as Roland R. This is the trotzkista English, president of trade unionism, called Roland Rance, which does not bother to cooperate with the avowedly anti-agent, CIA and ADL Berlet, and the zealous Zionist Jayjg. The extent of his anti-Zionism and socialism! He and thousands of candidates 'Agent Smith' minor did not need the archisionistas of CAMERA, they are in the center.
The "revelation" of IE is not a subterfuge, a cover positioned to increase our faith in the Wiki. Such double coverage operation took place last year, when the Wiki announced it had found added from the CIA on some pages. A careful reading of this "revelation" was even more disappointing than IE. Then it was discovered that the CIA was in the article "Ahmadinejjad" where someone added the exclamation "Wa!" while "other changes made are insignificant, and include tweaks to the profile of former CIA chief Porter Goss and celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey." This is ridiculous USianos secret services spend billions a year or to maintain control over the Web. A recent report speaks of $ 30,000 million awarded by the Pentagon for a Manhattan Project-mail, to combat the web. And we are asked to believe that all these millions were used to publish a resounding 'Wa'? It is a mere nibble of the usual suspects, nothing special in double concealment techniques.
2 entries Wiki on Palestine-Israel are the opposite of "well-founded, 'useful and objective'" as they claim the cuckolds of Electronic Intifada. On second thought, are victims, or useful idiots. The boss in EI is Electronic Ali, nicknamed Ali Abunimah, the man who launched a witch hunt against "Shamir the antisemite." He is the Arab front in the service of various exclusively Jewish organizations in Palestine, rather than promote the Jewish cause and fight anti-Semitism. These Jewish organizations like shabbesgoy far from being complacent (as Rosa Luxemburg used to call such people [the Jews who will not turn on the light to the religious Jews on Saturday, day that they are forbidden to handle anything that has to do with fire, n. of t]) in the Arab front, and Ali perfectly fulfills the role. Even his own betrays Wiki profile, mentioning his fight against the "infamous anti-Semitic."
In his attack on me Electronic Ali acted together with the execrable Hussein Ibish but since then, the thieves go separately. [1] Another prominent protagonist of EI is or was called Nigel Parry, an Englishman who is dedicated to combating anti-Semitism that have webmaster and possibly also an officer to follow individual cases. Nigel Parry is struggling to secure the "politically correct" and the hound speech enabled monitors on Palestine, keeping half way between the Likud "hard" and "Peace Now" soft. " Mentioned with pride his many years of dedication to the Palestinian cause. But it is precisely because of such people so that the Palestinian cause is as it is ...
For example, we could have a single unified state in Israel / Palestine, if not for those guys. Looking back, it was a possibility in 2001, shortly before 11 September, as my call for "One State" as many Israelis and Americans supported, and applauded major American newspapers. That's when these guys began to denigrate and scare my readers: "Shamir is discredited and marginalized," claimed all too pleased. For them, no matter the fact that, with me, and marginalized also discredited the idea of \u200b\u200ba single State, the only possible peaceful solution to our conflict.
The final battle was fought on the site Wikipedia, where the trio Ali-Ibish-Parry provided ammunition to the "Agent (Zionist) Smith" Jayjg and ADL's own agent Barlet, with the block of "antifascist" sponsored by ADL: web journals in Searchlight, Great Britain, the Monitor Norwegian, Swedish Expo, the American trotzkista Socialist Viewpoint, and others. These tremendous forces encountered resistance from our wonderful friend Joh Domingo, a South African fighter against apartheid, and our French friend Omnivore. You can read the minutes of the battle in Decided to introduce myself as an impostor Swedish neo-Nazis, instead of the Israeli writer I am.
[Xentor NOTE: The English version of Wikipedia is in the same farce: "Israel Shamir is a controversial anti-Zionist writer and journalist in Sweden. His real name is Adam Ermash legal (formerly Jöran Jerman). Many critics (including several pro-Palestinian activists) Shamir accused of being an anti-Semite, as well of deliberately falsifying data and their career to win fame "( This is the "objectivity" that shows Wikipedia in terms of issues that challenge the mental fence Neoliberalism].
While the battle lasted, I lived in my house in Jaffa [Israel], received a lot of visitors, giving interviews, going to work, I saw people, but if he died would have been equal. I felt like Doc Daneeka, a character in the subtle novel Catch-22 by Joseph Heller, who was dead because the plane he was traveling was shot down. "I'm alive!" He shouted. "Here we have a newspaper that says you have died, "they answered. His wife "inherited" his property was removed from the lists, they stopped feeding, and even their friends and colleagues regarded him with suspicion. Such is the power of an official-looking document, or page. That's how I discovered the tremendous power of an encyclopedia does not reflect the world but recreates it as he pleases, as she likes it. Wiki has links to thousands of web pages, if you go to or any website in the Arab world in English, will lead you unerringly to Wiki and lies.
If an encyclopedia says that I am a Swedish anti-Semitic and neo-Nazi, nothing I can do. Could be the whole day shouting 'Look, here I am, in Jaffa! ". And I would answer: "Here we have an official document that says no." I am grateful to Joh Domingo superhuman efforts, but could not silence the "Agent Smith." I've not achieved. If tomorrow they decide to mention you like green man from Mars dropped, you get beaten. And then, even your friends will return to see the flying saucer that you should be following the steps.
few days ago, I was talking with a group of Indian intellectuals in New Delhi, and then I received this touching letter from Come Carpentier, a French writer expatriate who lives in the capital da India. I wrote: "I want to thank the words you said last night, so enlightening, balanced and objective but always passionate. The fact listening to you boils down to nothing, even better than reading his essays, the fame that have already-know-who, as an ardent slanderer of Israel, Holocaust denier, supporter of the Nazis and cuantimás ... not to mention the additional rumors according to which you would be a far-right Swedish infiltrated in the Holy Land for the international Islamo-fascist cabal. "
In a sense, the distortion pro-Jewish Wiki is inevitable, if we have in mind the positions acquired through the Jewish quarter in Western discourse, media and universities. Jews-and I include also the common people with some Jewish background in his family, like to correct the speech in a flattering way as them. They did a century ago, and five hundred years ago as well. To the extent they do in one direction only, that is the only entity capable of holding a marathon (in words Zeq), ie to stay the course of a long haul operation, as they did in the past the Church and its religious orders.
A hundred years ago, a New York lawyer named Samul Untermeyer financed the first Bible translated and annotated by John Scofield, the Bible then became the bible of reference for a very important part of American Protestant universe, and since then constantly reissued bias increasingly pro-Jewish, and attracts them million Christian Zionists (evangelists).
Joachim Hammer Judonia writes in his book "The Jewish efforts benefit from organizational memory that does not exist in other lobbying situations. The longevity of Jewish Federation organizations give to the efforts on the pro-Israeli lobby a trans-generational aspect not seen elsewhere. For example, Israel advocacy organizations have fighting for fifty years to delegitimize Arabists in the Foreign Office and the State Department, to replace staff with pro-Israeli sympathies. "
Joachim Hammer is wrong to connect this result with some pro-Israel organization specifically. The success of Zionism (and their crimes) is the meringue on the top floor of the Jewish success cake. The Jews are engaged in supporting the Jews, and therefore detract from the legitimacy of the Arabists, or priests, or independent historians who do not abide the idea that Jews are special, that is "special" in a strict sense beneficial. Zionism is a result of pruning on foliage Jewish history, and this story is pruned taught us.
no Arab sheiks or Russian oligarchs, kings nor oil USianos ready for long-term finance anything they do not seem immediately relevant. They do not understand that virtually all of the encyclopedia entries, each teaching manual formatting the minds of future generations. The correct input on Poincaré, eg. or monotheism, or the alleged Persian invasion, could deter potential Zionists from their delusions of grandeur.
Wikipedia is a great idea for Jews: people of all nations and world contribute their knowledge, then this sum undergoes pruning the taste of the pro-Jewish gardeners. Despite its image "free", Wikipedia is part of the huge holding of the Jewish media, and this is as biased as any other publication of the group, from the New York Times (owned by the Jewish Sulzberger family) to Liberation (property Jew Rothschild clan) passed by hundreds of newspapers that Rupert Murdoch owns projudío. CONCLUSIONS
Wikipedia is important, as the New York Times, but both are in the hands of the enemies of freedom. Sometimes you can find good items, or items that fit truth, either, but they are the splash of gold dust needed to attract the innocent prey. Of course we want to democratize them both, make the two truly democratic and affordable. While we do, we should explain that both are instruments of mind control which should not be trusted, as if they were one-sided coin. If Wiki wants to keep some of their prestige, their guardians must get rid of Zionists. But not only crude CAMERA hounds, but also the "Agent Smiths" elegant suit, decisive types of truth.
[1] In an article Osamah article Khalil of Berkeley, EI railed to Ibish noting that "defended Abbas' strategy, made of deference and subservience to U.S. and Israel. According to Ibish article, the problem is that Abbas has failed, that is corrupt and that the Palestinians consider it as an intellectual incapable of the least effective, a pure instrument of the Yankees, the only thing I complain is that "no is charismatic, he lacks the eloquence exciting "." EI continues: "Ibish tries to ignore that there is a latrocracia in the Palestinian political class, personified in Mahmad Dahlan, Jibril Rajoub and others of his ilk. His idea of \u200b\u200ban independent secular Palestinian state is a government by thieves, backed by USA ... Ibish rule out reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas as utopian, because for him there is no alternative to Abbas government, the Yankee hyper power, and Israeli military and economic domination the Middle East. "
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