Zecharia Sitchin was born in 1922 is a UFO researcher from Russia. [1] is an author of popular books that promote astronaut theory old, the alleged alien origin of humanity, which attributes the creation of the Sumerian culture to the Annunaki (or Nephilim) from a hypothetical planet named Nibiru in the solar system.
asserts that Sumerian mythology reflects this view, of course his speculations are largely ignored by most historians and scientists who see too many problems both in translation and in the understanding of physics.
interventional Sitchin postulated the hypothesis of human creation, that extraterrestrial beings would be responsible for the initiation and evolution of the human species. [3] This hypothesis, even unscientific recognized by the international community, are covered by Sitchin with a patina of authenticity based on presumed archaeological research. In fact, much of the archaeological community considered him a charlatan and a fraud.
is the author of "Earth Chronicles", a series of 12 books that describes the results of their research: "The 12 th planet" was the first one. His "theories" have caused many different reactions, almost no one indifferent. According to his "theory" exists in the solar system a planet called Nibiru that about every 3600 years, resulting in positive changes in our system and disaster Solar.
claims to have translated Sumerian tablets referring to an alien race that had created humans to work as slaves in their mines in Africa. In this race called Anunnaki or Abbennakki, said that those "black head" of Sumeria were created by these beings, by mixing the essences of life of man and beast, drawing an ape-like creature and beast. The people of "dark head" was considered as slaves in the Sumerian hierarchy. The Sumerian tablets refer to the dark-headed people, who were created in a geographic region called 'AB.ZU.', which says that it is for West Africa [5].
says royalty
was a combination of "Dragons" and humans, or that were direct descendants of God so: lar, Shamhash. The Anunnaki are 23 gods of the Sumerian pantheon, including Enlil (lord of the winds) and Enki (lord of the land). These solar gods were called 'Sir', or Dragons, in Babylon. Likewise, the word 'Sir', apparently means 'great serpent' which is on the Sanskrit word 'Sarpa', which also describes "gragones gods" who created and ruled the Dravidian culture.
According to Sitchin, the Annunaki probably still exist in another plane of existence, and still can influence humanity. There is speculation that the race could be amphibians, reptiles or reptiles is semi humanoid reptiles, according to ancient descriptions. Anton Parks has developed a similar theory.
Here are a couple of videos about him:
private interview with Jordan Maxwell Zecharia Stichin
Duration: 40:53 min
Zecharia Sitchin A talk from the Heart 2006
Duration: 58:37 min
official website of Zecharia Stichin
* Download the book "The Lost Book of Enki" Here
* Download all the books of Zecharia Here
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