militarization in the United States has given the excuse of terrorism. In Mexico, for drug trafficking.
First, this model works in practice to extend the power of the presidency. Since the beginning of This model is one of its main purposes. Strengthens the executive power without checks and transparency, removing powers from other levels of government and restricting civil rights.
Second, it promotes the militarization of society and build a de facto power of specialized forces with few legal or social controls. The model of confronting the trafficking, sale and consumption of drugs with military measures, increases violence and weakens democratic institutions. In countries where these are a New World of Citizen Action, Analysis, and Policy Options
weaknesses can cause severe delays in the transition to democracy. Third
invariably extends to a war against the political opposition in countries where it has been applied, blurring the line between fighting drug trafficking, terrorism, and dissidents.
Fourth, there is a clear threat to national sovereignty under this scheme. Again looking at the Plan Colombia, has developed an economy dependent on military aid from outside, and the imposition of a model anti-drug that not only has had results, but has deepened the social violence and destruction and Environmental much of the territory, creating a vicious cycle of fear and chaos that is used to justify the continuation of foreign intervention. Only surveillance of citizens' groups and human rights in the U.S. managed to retain a cap on the number of U.S. troops on Colombian territory, and there was a gradual increase of U.S. mercenaries contracted private companies to carry out military tasks under elPlan Colombia.
Plan Mexico includes training of Mexican forces under the U.S. scheme and in particular the government of George W. Bush. Expands the network of anti-drug agents and U.S. Customs operating in the country, and reduces the space to implement policies based on national priorities rather than national security agenda of the United States government.
In this sense, the SPP, the War Bush on Terrorism and the war on drugs Calderon are all aspects of a strategy to expand U.S. hegemony in the region, through the consolidation of a government of questionable legitimacy in Mexico to ensure their interests.
Laura Carlsen is Director of the Americas Program ( in Mexico City, where he worked as an analyst and political writer for two décadas.Este article was part of a presentation at Casa Lamm in Mexico City on June 25, 2007.
Important Safety Warning
Derived from the violent clashes in recent days between federal forces and organized crime groups in the State, the Municipal Civil Protection Department has been issuing some
safety recommendations, which we share below:
If you mark the high an Army unit, AFI and PFP:
1. Slow down your car
2. Turn on the flashing lights to 'warn' that will attend called
3. Interior light and put both hands on the wheel of a visible
4. Bring in your vehicle only things necessary to expedite the review
5. Cooperate at all times with the Federal forces and remain calm
6. If the Security Forces or Army Convoys circulating, avoid where possible exceed these high speed vehicles
7. Always bring identification if you are required
8. Avoid main roads during peak hours or
busiest vehicular
If you miss a unit marks the recent model with an armed stranger (Commonly Suburban, Tahoe, Durango).
1 .- Stop immediately, do not run, or try to evade the high, you may be confused and shoot. (Usually these people (assassins) as they are not sure whether or not the victim, preferring to make you high to make sure it is and if it is, 'lift')
2 .. Interior lights turn on and put your hands up, keep calm, do not get defensive because they 'will' to what they will and the lowest type of discomfort can irritate those to lose their patience and thus' act '.
3. Usually you are asked to identify yourself, do it without hesitation, (remember that nothing is nothing to fear) and show you ID or passport. (Take them with you Always with you wherever you go, I served as full
4. Do not ask or talk, answer what you ask but do not talk much. (Commonly: where do you live?, What do you do?, "Who is the vehicle? Etc.)
5. Incredibly the killers are never confused by being sure that his murderer is on board the vehicle, in case of doubt, prefer to stand for sure. If this is not what they want let him go.
6. Avoid exposing yourself and if possible not go out late at night, if so, to walk around with traffic and lighting. Avoid shortcuts.
If you are near where they give a confrontation:
1. Drop to the ground and cover your head with both hands, if you're in a vehicle, throw yourself into the floor of the unit and seeks to protect children if you do not leave the unit running, you may be mistaken for a criminal fleeing the scene .
2. One important thing to remember is that we must work together again in these revisions, because they are focused on preventive and safeguard our security.
3. Avoid exposing yourself and if possible not go out late at night.
4. We hope this situation will be resolved soon, but while it persists, stay informed and alert at all times, do not expose or expose to others.
5. Please share this information with staff without access to e-mail.
Your security is important to us, please follow the recommendations made and remember that your home and your work! WE NEED YOU!
If you know of someone who is directly or indirectly involved in organized crime, do not hesitate to make your report anonymously to 089, it is your duty as a citizen if you want your city to regain its safety and your children live
quiet, if not complaints you become an accomplice in crime!
For our safety ...
On account of recent developments in our country, and knowing that it is dominated by those who should not ... and since we can not trust the police because the large controls are also involved with the mafia, we need to start taking some security measures to try not to get hurt, raped, maimed, extorted, or any something unimaginable that these people are doing ..
I ask that after reading this, forward the mail by removing the rubbish that is made to forward. If you can print it, distribute it among your family, with your trusted colleagues, and friends. We must take these measures urgently.
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