Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Slightly Higher Hemaglobin

Stop the cholera epidemic in Haiti with seawater

Cholera is an acute intestinal infection, severe, that occurs with abundant diarrheal stools, vomiting and dehydration that can lead the patient to acidosis and circulatory collapse within 24 hours and untreated cases can lead to death.

Water loss in feces can be more than 15 liters per day, causing severe dehydration that can kill the patient by hypovolemic shock and electrolyte imbalance and acid-base . These

demineralisation diarrhea reach the body. So a very important contribution is the sea water contains all the minerals and trace elements in the periodic table of Mendeliev, which would replace the loss of the alkaline minerals and acidic medium when SEA WATER a purely organic and alkaline with a ph. 8.4. (Where there's oxygen and alkalinity can not be any kind of disease or cancer. Otto Warburg, Nobel prize for cellular respiration 1931).

At the same time injecting sea water is a transfusion of "blood" as the sea water has the same properties as the blood of higher vertebrates. (René Quinton 1897). Also shown left him wounded in the first World War (1814) receiving transfusion hypertonic sea water when finished the serum and blood serum in battle.

sea water not only provides the minerals lost to diarrhea, but also a cell phone through the food nutrients that give the cell biological force to oppose all sorts of diseases, not only cholera.

One way to immediately begin using sea water in Haiti is the installation of tanks of ten thousand gallons of seawater in settling in strategic places in the city and hospitals to be used by both religious volunteers (Focolare, camelids, faces, etc.). as civilians, military and official health authorities, without worrying about the myths of the alleged pollution of the sea, it is not possible to contaminate the water of the sea because their defense mechanisms for the phenomenon of osmosis mainly and only to organic matter .

By the summer of 1912 René Quinton eradicated cholera epidemic raging in Cairo only with injections of sea water.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Aerosoles Ankle Boots

Fire of 2010 in Bolivia exceed 53,600, a record in the country

Authority Forests and Lands of Bolivia (ABT) announced today that the number of fires in this country so far in 2010 exceeded 53,600 last week, a record, and have already burned more than four million hectares. The director of ABT, Cliver Rocha, told Efe that while the first fires were caused deliberately by farmers and indigenous to clean stubble or increase its agricultural land, the most recent are also due to the "worst drought the past 30 years. "

According to Rocha, the previous worst year for fires was 2004, when it reached 53,000.

The area most affected 2010 is the east of Bolivia, especially the department of Santa Cruz, bordering Brazil and Paraguay, which has surpassed the 40,000 fires, and then northeast Pando and Beni.

At its worst, fire smoke filled the main Bolivian cities, causing the temporary suspension of operations at several airports.

ABT director expressed the hope that the imminent arrival of the rainy season to alleviate what he called "ecological catastrophe" of great magnitude, adding that Congress is considering tougher sanctions on those who set fire.

Bolivian President Evo Morales, as well as several officials of his government, described the last month of "natural phenomena" arson, and blamed climate change "acceleration and mass" of the fires. Chile, Brazil, Argentina and the United Nations have sent aid to Bolivia to help control insendios.

Source: EFE

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Has Marg Helgenberger Had Plastic Surgery

Champions of the Earth Award 2011 Recycled and Recycling

The major environmental award from United Nations Program for the environment has been opened.

The award will recognize some of the brightest people - those who act through visionary thinking, unwavering commitment and action towards a global green growth. We are looking for Champions - inspiring leaders, thinkers and most importantly, people taking action, which have shown determination, ingenuity and continued commitment to a better, cleaner and more prosperous. UNEP

select a winner for each of the following categories:

• Political Leadership

• Science and Innovation Business Vision

• • Inspiration and Action

Each winner will receive a cash prize of $ 40.000 and a Memorial Trophy at a Gala ceremony and awards to be held on April 28, 2011.

nominations will be accepted until 31 October. For more information, please visit

The need for accountability and leadership has never been greater. Business leaders, civil society and the Government needed to build the new Green Revolution today, the green economy. Submit your candidate for Champions now!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Which Compound Has The Weakest Interactions


The paper is composed of organic matter, or what is, elements that are or have been alive. For this reason we must learn to appreciate the important role as a result of a manufacturing process that has resulted in the death of a living being: the tree s and estimated that Mexico produces 22 million tons of paper year and that about 70% comes from recycled paper.

disposable bottles

In Mexico produces 738.000 tons per year of PET containers (soda, water, juices, etc.), Of these only 5% is recycled. PET containers occupy weight by 2-5% and 7-10% of volume in landfills (600 tons per day ONLY IN THE CITY).



simplest action for conservation: using both sides of paper saves 50 of every 100 trees used in papermaking. For every ton of paper recycled, 17 mature trees are saved from destruction and saves 20,000 liters of water and 4000 kWh of electricity.

Plastic Bottles

Always prefer returnable glass bottles.

Source: ecotips

Monday, October 4, 2010

Anyone Live In Quebec

ecological toilets "? Organic eggs

Shanxi University in China, adopted an unconventional way of saving water in the discharge of their bathrooms urinals: a few days ago, girls who are studying there using the new models, which are forced to urinate standing up.

of 160 tons of water daily is the projected savings for the institution, whose biggest challenge now is to convince students. To do, has interpretive signs in the bathrooms on how to use the urinals, as well as its ecological advantages.

The idea of \u200b\u200bdeveloping the new toilets was born after the institution noted that the discharge of public toilets located in the bathrooms of the girls spend twice as much water than men's rest rooms. Each time you use the bathroom, the students spend about six liters of water, and during his time in the institution, from ten to twelve liters more than men.

These numbers still do not seem to conform to the young, and most expressed their dissatisfaction in going to the bathroom as men: some showed concern about the hygiene of the new devices, while others showed absolutely ashamed.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

How Fast Does A 2010 Challenger Go 180

Changing our eating habits towards organic food will make our lives healthier. The organic eggs are a proof.

not just about being green but also to think about what is best for our health and this is where food comes the notion homemade organic food, as is the case of organic eggs.

organic eggs will become a sacred food for us and for the whole family. We will be sure that we are giving our children healthy food. Organic eggs have many advantages because they can be prepared in various ways and we can guarantee to supply fresh eggs, farm eggs. We can cook fried white beans, scrambled eggs, cooked and always will notice the difference when compared to traditional eggs. And, moreover, the best part is that organic eggs are used to make food very varied, which also depend on the kind of eggs we have. Can be quail eggs, chicken eggs, goose or even ostrich eggs. The egg is one of the best eco-friendly.

Moreover, we have organic eggs in our own home if you have a garden and we have chickens and quail, for example. Eating healthy is not as hard as we believe and organic eggs are an excellent alternative. In addition, we sure know where they come from and who has not touched any type of fungicide or anything that produces pollution.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Wii Registration Numbers

Water equals life

Best Regards.

tell you that we are in a process of improving our blogs, that will run until mid-October 2010.

apologies but soon returned with more features.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Do Guys Masterbate In Public

Fifteen liters of water is the minimum that a person needs per day, according to United Nations. English Each consumes about 300 liters, U.S., 400. Meanwhile, a person living in an impoverished country is less than ten liters per day. Access to safe water is a fundamental individual right and an essential element for life. Nations United explains that there are over 260 transboundary basins and lakes in the world that stretch across the territory of 145 countries, covering half the earth's land surface. They are also large deposits of underground water.

Thus, there is enough fresh water to meet human needs. The world's population depends on only one hundredth of 1% of the world's water. The problem is inequitable distribution and the threat of pollution.

Today, more than 1,100 million people lack access to safe drinking water and 2,600 billion lack adequate sanitation. In addition, die each year about two and a half million people, mostly children, from diseases related to poor water and half of the beds in hospitals around the world are occupied by people suffering from waterborne diseases, United Nations says.

To continue reading the article in portaldelmedioambiente here

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Itch Worse After Treatment

Ecotips - Save on Light Bulbs Savers

ECOTIP This is a simple and concrete. To save money and energy in your home you just need to change your traditional incandescent bulbs saving fluorescent bulbs with CFL.

These bulbs are priced and accessible to all people can reach them. Represent a very large reduction in electricity consumption of households worldwide, and a huge decrease in carbon emissions of countries to produce that energy.

A further advantage is that it will last much longer than traditional bulbs, at least five times so you do not have to waste your money and your time changing recurring outbreaks.

Source: A Green Blog

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Dianne And Althea Is The Same Pills?

Switching to green weddings What are

What are green weddings. This type of marriage has become a trend in the bridal world, some grooms prefer to support the health of the environment with this kind of celebration. In the UK, green weddings are in fashion.

in Spain is not well developed, but the possibilities are many and depend on the effort made to cover the many details that make a wedding. Brides choose natural fiber clothing and invitations can be made with recycled paper.

in green weddings You can choose a farm, park or mountain as a location. For the bride and groom, you can rent a hybrid car or using a horse-drawn carriage. With virtual invitations and produced 100% recycled paper, the main idea is to save trees in this way will save you money in afforestation.

If you have decided on alliances with diamonds, be careful and remember the conflict in gold mines and diamond that is, it is one of the world's dirtiest business. It is preferable to compare jewelry box where it met all of the worker protection laws.

flowers can also be purchased at a florist organic or grown in the home. As for the rest of the details can be purchased or made in an environmentally friendly manner, it can be green decorative elements such as lighting candles, soy or beeswax with lead-free wicks.

Source: Ecology

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Broken Capillaries Nose

Earth Hour: A Dark Land is best viewed

"My love, shut the light, please," is a phrase that is heard every night in millions of bedrooms the planet. But what happens if everyone agrees and repeating this in unison? It was something like this it raised to the organizers of the famous event "Earth Hour", which consists of calling once a year to earthlings to turn off as many appliances have on hand. Simple.

During the first experiment, conducted on March 31, 2007 in Sydney, Australia, over two million people welcomed the call and spent an hour in the dark. A lot to ask? The truth is that the effort is minimal. And best of all is that such actions help, and tired. First of all, to create awareness in people, especially young people. Second, the energy savings produced is considerable and real. It started

in the land of kangaroos in Australia in 2007 as a simple concern of the WWF to invite people to save energy. To the surprise of the initiative was widely accepted from the outset. Getting more than 2 million home off the light at the same time and day agreed. No doubt it was the first seed.

Soon the concept was already spread everywhere. In fact, emblematic architectural icons in the world turned off their lights. The San Francisco Golden Gate, the Eiffel Tower in Paris and the Colosseum traded their selfishness for one and lost some prominence in the dark. But that was not all. A giant neon sign for Coca Cola, located in the heart of Times Square, New York, also voluntarily went to black. Even Google did its thing and obscured the bottom of your screen.

Via Google

With only four years, the environmental action has become the largest in the world, to the point that the more people involved. In fact, 27 of this past March more than 5000 cities were present, and hundreds of millions of people pulled the switch, of course, to spend an hour in the dark.

are already four versions of this campaign. And you? Still not part of it? Why wait until March next year. Start by turning off decorative lights forever in your house and unplug unused appliances, and tell the people who still does so: "My love, shut the light, please."

Source: veoverde

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Can You Take Excedrin Pm And Relpax Together

Recycling in the Third World

Incredibly here or there (depending on your location) are also recycled.

is true that virtually no money at all. To speak more properly, no money for anything or anyone who does not intend to take the money into the coffers of the first world countries, into the coffers of the national millionaires, or large pockets of corrupt politicians who seems to be feeding time for an end to their false demagoguery, the noisy pace.

Yes, there or here also recycled, reduced and reused. But that recycling is a product of hunger, food shortages, poverty and lack of resources of the majority of the population. Recycling, in short, is a product of necessity.

same weapon is used to fight a battle with different objectives. And not the need to preserve the planet, but depreservar life, to earn money to survive.

To continue reading the article published by Federico Ferrero here

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

How Much Dos Alexis Texas Make

10 tips for Eco Women at work

final printed documents that nobody reads, computers on all night, a light that remains on for the weekend ... At work, bad habits are not lacking anti-ecological. What if we try to stop this trend around the holidays?

1. Saves paper. Each employee uses at work, on average, 80 kilos of paper per year. In France, an average worker prints 35 pages per day. The worse: about 24% of printed pages are never used and end up directly in the trash. Eco-friendly gestures. If it is an address and phone number will not print, but the copy in a booklet.

If not, we can use drafts (pages already printed on one side but lack
and value). Another idea: bring together texts in a single document instead of printing each one on a blank sheet of ¾. If no service disponéis a waste collection and sorting, you can always grind your own sheets of paper. You will then be used to fill in fragile packages. It is always more useful than throwing them away! Finally, know cartridges that contain products harmful to the environment, such as lead.

2. Internet use in moderation. A Google search is equivalent to a distance of 56 meters by car, a comment on a blog, is 8 miles ... The eco-friendly gestures. Write it searches Google for clicks not multiply, reflect twice before downloading files or sending e-mails, not prove your mails every 30 seconds, close applications that you are not using, using a USB key to move to neighboring documents instead of sending a mail ... There are so many small gestures to navigate protecting the planet!

3. Turn off the light. Who has never left a light on when leaving work late on a Friday? A completely useless waste of energy. Especially when we know that an hour of light equivalent to between 50 and 100kWh of economy. Eco-friendly gestures. When we think of an empty room (obviously!) To turn off the light and
not leave the computer "on candle. " We also suggest the installation in our company timers or lights with motion detectors in the transit areas (bathrooms, hallways ...). Another idea: electronics plugged into a power off will never forget. In the end, put our firm to maximize natural light.

4. No accumulation of plastic cups. A company of 200 people used more than 60,000 plastic cups a year. In the UK, are consumed 5 glasses of thousands of plastic each year. Knowing that one of these vessels takes over 100 years to decompose in nature and are not generally recyclable the impact on the environment is greater. The eco-friendly gestures. The solution is to privilege the individual cups or reduce the use of such vessels. When we go for water, we can, for example, reuse the same cup several times.

5. Intelligently use the air conditioning and heating. In summer the temperature does not always require the systematic use of air conditioning, sweet electricity. Similarly, some companies tend to overheat in winter premises. Eco-friendly gestures. We preferred to use old, but more environmentally friendly, fan. We also put in the path of the light air currents during the day and excellent ventilation at night, after the great heat. Your company can also be equipped with programmable thermostats premises, thereby reducing heat during the evenings and weekends.

6. I travel less to pollute less. Do you absolutely need to find you physically each week with your affiliate team located 300 kilometers? Not sure ... The eco-friendly gestures. A weekly meeting by telephone or, better yet, a video may very well be enough to you with your reencontréis colleagues. So take advantage of technological advances to limit your travel and save time.

7. I share the car ... or do bike! Is the ideal solution? Going to work on foot! But stop dreaming, this behavior is not always possible green. We, then, bicycles and skates or at least in carpooling. Know also that when taking the bus, emit three times less CO2 than by car.

8. Recycle ink cartridges. Over 40 million cartridges are used in France every year. Of these, only 15% of them are recycled, generating 60,000 tonnes of non-degradable waste. Recycled cartridges rate reaches 55% in the United States and 35% in Germany. Eco-friendly gestures. There are many agencies that they intend to recycle your cartridges and reverse the profits made to humanitarian work.

9. I team with the material more "eco." Okay, do not you ever ask your opinion on buying notebooks and pens. But you can always suggest to choose your top eco-responsible provider. You can find everything from shirts made of recycled cardboard, glues and adhesive tapes based on vegetables.

10. Have fun! If you are the boss, tell your employees how they can tell the difference. And show example! If you are the employee, nothing prevents you from putting up posters and / or stickers to remind people of the simple actions that can be done daily. Encourage your suppliers and customers to do the same!


Friday, September 3, 2010

Does A High Cervix Mean Your Getting Your Period

In the South, women are the main producers of food, in charge of working the land, keep the seeds, collect fruits, getting water ... ... Between 60 and 80% food production in these countries falls on women, 50% worldwide. These are the main producers of staple crops like rice, wheat and maize, which feed the poorest populations in the global South. But despite its key role in agriculture and food, they are, along with children, those most affected by hunger.

Rural women were responsible for centuries of domestic chores, caring for people, feed their families, the cultivation for self-consumption and marketing of some surplus from their gardens, carrying the reproductive work productive and community, occupying a private sphere invisible. Instead, the main agricultural economic transactions have been traditionally performed by men, fairs, buying and selling animals, the commercialization of large quantities of grain ... peasant occupying the public sphere.

This division of roles assigned to women home care, health, education and families and gives people the management of land and machinery, in short, the "technical", and the untouched roles as male and female, and that for centuries, and even today, persist in our societies.

To continue reading the article published by Esther Vivas here

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Highlights For Hair The Cost

Chile Corn is America's fifth most CO2 emitted per person

According to a report by the CONAMA, ie a direct consequence of our generation. The ranking, developed by International Energy Agency is made up of U.S. first, Canada second, third and Venezuela in Jamaica in the room.

As has been the Cancun summit in a couple of months are all countries trying to reduce their emissions, so the government is already working on a plan to avoid reaching this important meeting without anything in his hands. That's why the ministries of Agriculture, Energy, Foreign Affairs, Finance, Transport Economics, Secretariat of the Presidency and Environment are working together to achieve the objective proposed: a 20% cut of emissions generated 2020.

Between 1984 and 2006 only for energy production CO2 emissions increased by 281%, which is one that should continue to grow to continue to approve projects thermoelectric folder. Chile currently produces 4.3 tonnes of CO2, represented 0.2% of world production of these gases.

Source: veoverde

Thursday, August 26, 2010

How To Reset Eminent Suitcase

Raising 'mini-cows' to reduce emissions

U.S. Some farmers raise cows in miniature - of between 80 centimeters and one meter or so - to reduce emissions of methane, because these animals emit a smaller amount of this gas the smaller, according to a study by the farmer and researcher Richard Gradwohl.

Gradwohl (pictured with one of these animals) developed in its research center 16 of the 26 races of 'mini-cows "that exist worldwide, although its initial target was to cover the needs of seven different markets, including one of the key is to pets, according to the BBC.

Thus, after years of study, the farmer discovered that this species miniature emitted lower amounts of methane - a greenhouse gas - than larger ones. "After researching many years, we found that produce much less methane," he says while pointing out that ten mini cows produce the same amount as a large one.

In this sense, Gradwohl points out that if this fact is added that in an area of \u200b\u200bfive hectares - which would come two big cows - enter ten of the 'mini' in the end, each hectare has a higher yield per kilo of meat.

This higher yield is obtained because the relationship between live weight and the amount of edible meat is not the same in a large species than small. "When an animal of 450 kilos to the slaughter, lost nearly 40 percent. It is then a response of 270 kilos and when you turn it into edible meat lose another 20 percent end up with 216 kilos," he says.

Meanwhile, in a miniature cow "you lose a lot less." "If the cow weighs about 270 kilos, when going to the slaughterhouse instead of losing 40 percent lost 30 percent and when you make what is edible meat, instead of 20 percent, losing 15 percent. Then, a small animal can produce up to 160 kilos of edible meat, "he adds. The figures are due to the small bones are smaller and have less fat.

Finally, Gradwohl says that the flesh of 'mini cow' is even more delicious as the taste is related to muscle length. "The shorter, richer meat. In that respect is similar to beef," he says.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Grad Centerpieces Ideas

methane Special Report, "Water that thou shalt not drink": The water cover other interests?

In many parts of the world mining progresses at a staggering pace. This involves an excessive consumption of water, and the balance of an area devastated. Miners never (or rarely) are local. This equity firms and CAD, mainly for the case of Latin America, or European capital. One might ask: why, despite being from the countries most powerful militarily and economically, and are the most interference with them, multilateral agencies, like the WB, do not realize the risks of mining to water, good at the same time claim that progress towards the shortage?

The English language dictionary of the English Royal Academy, provides the following definition: "Water: (Del lat. Aqua). Substance whose molecules are formed by the combination of an oxygen atom and two hydrogen, liquid, odorless, tasteless and colorless. It is the most abundant component of the earth's surface and more or less pure form of rain, fountains, rivers and seas is a constituent of all living organisms and appears in natural compounds. "

Let's stick to these three terms: odorless, tasteless and colorless. That is, through it would be fine. However, it appears that the current debate over water actually serves to hide other natural resources of interest. Could say that the sudden "opening the tap" of the debate on the future of water, was used to flood it all, and cover other interests.

is true that "drinking water is a scarce commodity, which is only 2.5 percent of total water in the world, while the remaining 97.5 percent is found in seas and oceans" as says Professor of History, a specialist in geopolitics, and national defense, Elsa Bruzzone. The phrase belongs to the book by Bruzzone, who is also honorary adviser of the Argentine National Congress, "Water Wars."

is also true that, as the author on the same page, "the technology to desalinate sea water there, but poses problems: it is expensive because it requires lots of energy and has not yet found a way to get rid the brine is in the process and chemicals used in it. "

Until then, all contribute to pay the theory that, to a future with access to water problems in much of the planet, this will be a vital element of conflict. No shortage of reasons to suppose, because what are background abound realize that strategy of the countries most powerful militarily and economically, to crush the weak.

Topics to think

As counterpart arise some apparent absurdities in this look. On the one hand, the groundwater reserves of the planet are more than abundant, and are well above the water surface, which would enable humanity to a long and prosperous survival. Is clear that water is not evenly distributed throughout the globe, and that these aquifers or underground reservoirs are virginal state (or nearly) in the continent militarily and economically less powerful, such as Africa and South and Central America, or some parts of Asia.

Just write it, it is possible to imagine the scene: a North American or thirsty Europe, resorting to the use of force to quench their thirst at water sources of their weaker neighbors. An image question, but ... logic?

In the worst case scenario, with a military landing in South America and Africa for the "theft" systematic water, just try to imagine the astronomical costs that would move the vital liquid to sites of consumption. How much would, then, watering crops, or to water the livestock animals? And that if the focus is productive only to the issue. The question might arise regarding what are the costs of a shower?, Or even the bathroom for a pet. In the other case, that of an invasion, accompanied by a progressive transfer of population, there is even less logical support.

not over water drop by drop ...

To continue reading the article click here

Source: Ecoportal

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Wedding Program Wording Gives Away Bride

Importance of forests: Climate

Climate affects the forest and determine where they develop and species that inhabit it. Simply, the forest can not exist where there is insufficient rainfall or where the temperatures are too low: these areas are occupied by the desert and tundra. The weather is the reason why fir trees do not grow in the Amazon, and why the Jaguars do not live in the boreal forest.

Earth's climate is always changing, but in the past, it has slowly, allowing forests to adapt to those changes. And as the climate affects the forest, the forest, to some extent, affects the climate.

's diverse climate helps to create diversity in the forest. Due to large variations, depending on location, the average annual temperature, precipitation and length of growing season, the types of plants and animals also vary.

However, there less diversity in a forest have been the more days that are too dry or too cold for plant growth, or the more "extreme" is the climate. Occur in any area where large fluctuations in temperature or rainfall, diversity will be limited. This is because just a few species can cope with such conditions.

The forest affects the overall climate, as well as microclimates. The tops of the trees cushioned the fall of rain that reaches the forest floor and prevent small plants from being crushed by the weight of heavy snow. Water vapor evaporates the leaves of trees, contributing to moisture levels in the area. The shade of the trees helps to prevent snow from melting too quickly and cause flooding during the spring.

forests maintain cool temperatures in the soil and wind protection. Without the impact of climate forest, many species could not persist.

Large amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) that human activities are releasing into the atmosphere are affecting the global climate. Forests can be extremely important for reducing levels of carbon dioxide as the trees from the air and store it in their stems, leaves and roots.

trees, and most other plants capture carbon dioxide during photosynthesis and use it to produce organic molecules. But if rapid climate change kills forest trees will release more carbon dioxide when they are just increasing atmospheric levels of this molecule.

Because forests trap carbon dioxide and release oxygen, They have been an important factor in the development of the global climate. At one time there was virtually no free oxygen in the atmosphere now, several billion years later, oxygen makes up 21% of the atmosphere and can not live without it.

Source: jmarcano

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Application For Vans Store On

Restriction of flights and more than 50 houses burned in Bolivia due to the fires

Fire in Urubó, Santa Cruz, a community member to help fight the fire.

Emergency: Santa Cruz recorded more than 90 percent of affected families in the country. The ABT indicates that 6,714 outbreaks of fire calor.Los led to flight restrictions yesterday in the capital cities of Cobija, Trinidad and Santa Cruz, and razed more than 50 homes. The flames and smoke affect Beni, Santa Cruz, Pando and Cochabamba, where it is already recorded at least 120 families homeless.

The fire advances. The smoke caused by more than 7,300 fires throughout the country has forced the temporary closure of airports in Beni and Pando. In Santa Cruz, Viru Viru airport services only instrumental, while yesterday, from The Trompillo not go cheap.

In Riberalta (Beni), burning a pasture near the airport caused the flames were about to reach the runway, near a hangar where there were three planes. This locality is no airport operations since the weekend.

In the Administration of Airports and Auxiliary Services of Air Navigation (AASANA) from Santa Cruz was reported that the airport in Cobija (Pando) was not operating during the morning yesterday, as visibility was minimal because of the smoke. In the afternoon flights resumed, as in Trinidad. Eber

Menacho, director of Environment and Natural Resources, said that in the town of San Ignacio Santa Cruz knew of 54 houses burned. "We are awaiting an official report to quantify the material loss, but has not regretted the loss of lives. "

Santa Cruz

The department of Santa Cruz is the most oppressed, and drought and lack of rainfall favor fire. Santa Cruz has more than 90 percent of families affected by a report from the agency ABI.

Beni and Pando

In Beni, the smoke damaged the arrival and departure flights. The mayor of Riberalta, Mario Campero, reported that the community of Monte Middle There are six families homeless. Fire affects forest areas and fields.

In Pando, a fire occurred last weekend by the river Manuripi, Puerto Rico, ranked in magnitude, was attended by the Interior department, said a media report of the entity, Erbol reported. Cochabamba

In Cochabamba, forest fires wiped out a thousand hectares of grassland and eucalyptus and carob trees in the park Tunari, plus a variety of animal species that inhabit the area, newspaper Los Tiempos.

The executive director of the Supervision Authority of Forests and Lands (ABT), Cliver Rocha, said in the country today there are 6,714 hot spots, 3,700 are in the Beni and 2,831 in Santa Cruz.

The National Service of Meteorology and Hydrology (Senamhi) reported that at least for this week no rain is forecast in the departments that are part of the eastern lowlands (Santa Cruz, Beni and Pando), currently the most affected by fire and smoke. Further, it is expected that in the next few days the temperatures in these regions begin to rise even further.

Riberalta declared an orange alert

Riberalta The City Council declared the "orange alert" to rising heat, and the fire continues to advance, the newspaper reported El Deber. The authorities call for greater control of the slash and burning of grasslands.

These widespread fires or burning Decontrol causing damage to property and population health, the authorities of this county decided to issue this declaration.
Until yesterday, six families in the community of Middle Mount, in Riberalta, left homeless by the fires whose flames devoured their homes, in addition to losing farm animals and crops of fruit trees and citrus.

authorities in this regard, they appealed to people to stop jackets in areas adjacent to this county Beni, activity which will allow create areas for grazing or planting.

was learned unofficially that the Emergency Operations Committee, COE, lacks financial resources to deal with the consequences because those available were used for the category of Natural Disasters in the last flood.

Source: laprensa

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Ct Stonogram Of The Kidney

recycling, what materials are used?

recycling, what materials are used? Among the materials for recycling are feasible from the demolition and scrap the construction industry, such as: buildings, roads, housing estates, etc.

90% household waste is recyclable, such as solid and liquid waste home, almost everything can be recycled and some organic wastes are used to make natural fertilizer or compost (organic fertilizer), which improve the quality of land as opposed to chemical fertilizers and artificial fertilizers.

The materials used for recycling are:

- cans, paper and aluminum molds, clean cans and aluminum molds to the greatest extent possible to remove food residue.

- Bottles and jars: only accept glass containers for food and beverages.

- Plastic bottles: only those who have neck and mouth smaller the base; not accept cans, mugs, trays or plastic bags.

- steel cans and empty aerosol cans.

- Corrugated cardboard, flatten or cut cardboard, used only flattened cardboard boxes.

- Paper bags.

- Cardboard fine: to crush or cut cardboard sheets, remove plastic bags, no cardboard boxes are accepted foil, milk, juice, etc..

- Newspapers, magazines, office paper, mail and guides telefónicas.Reciclaje, what materials are used? Among the materials for recycling are feasible from the demolition and industry wastes in construction, such as: buildings, roads, housing estates, etc.

90% of household waste is recyclable, such as solid and liquid waste home, almost everything can be recycled and some organic wastes are used to make natural fertilizer or compost (organic fertilizer) that improve the quality of land Unlike chemical fertilizers and artificial fertilizers.

The materials used for recycling are:

- cans, paper and aluminum molds, clean cans and aluminum molds to the greatest extent possible to remove food residue.

- Bottles and jars: only accepted glass containers for food and beverages.

- Plastic bottles: only those who have neck and mouth smaller than the base; not accept cans, mugs, trays or plastic bags.

- steel cans and empty aerosol cans.

- Corrugated cardboard, flatten or cut cardboard, used only flattened cardboard boxes.

- Paper bags.

- Cardboard fine: to crush or cut cardboard sheets, remove plastic bags, no cardboard boxes are accepted foil, milk, juice, etc..

- Newspapers, magazines, office paper, mail and telephone directories.

Source: Ecology

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Audrey Hepburn Themed Bathroom

UNEP Sasakawa Prize: $ 200,000 for innovative green projects

As usual, looking for environmental news, I found an open call to the 2011 UNEP Sasakawa Prize, which rewards environmental initiatives for sustainable development most innovative and cutting edge in emerging and developing countries.

With the theme "Forests for People, Forests for Green Growth", this award supports the designation made by the United Nations in 2011 as the International Year of Forests.

The prize is $ 200,000 in cash, which will be delivered at a ceremony in February 2011, during the meeting of the Governing Council in Nairobi, Kenya.

stress that the purpose of the call is to recognize and reward the project with the socio-environmental impact more significant in the field, such as:

• Promote the conservation and sustainable management forests.
• Contribute to a significant reduction in carbon emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.
• Maintain forest ecosystems to improve resilience to climate change.
• Support the reduction of poverty, especially among forest-dependent communities.

• Conserving biodiversity and help to secure the services of ecosystems.

the project are seeking to present the case most successful or promising, and the deadline for applications is 30 September. For more information go to / sasakawa or send an email to lucita.jasmin

Thursday, August 5, 2010

So Trailers Need Title In Nc

The benefits of filtering water

there consensus on how beneficial it is for humans to drink two to four liters of water per day. Not only because it hydrates, but also because it delivers other benefits such as improved skin and hair, helps prevent fluid retention, and collaborates with digestion and elimination of toxins.

For all this, drinking bottled water in the world is having a steady rise over the past two decades, with annual growth exceeding 12%. However, beyond the proven benefits of water, the negative side of this story is that over 95% of bottled water brands in the world use plastic containers in their production.

Thus, while millions of people the world improve their physical condition by consuming water daily while you are making millions and millions of plastic bottles that once empty, are not much further than the end-often without even being recycled or reused, in a landfill.

What can we do? First, do not stop drinking water because it makes us good. Second, get used to filter drinking water from our homes, it is very easy. You only need to buy any of the carbon filters are sold in the market. There are those who are directly connected to the keys (taps) and also inside jars that contain the filter. The latter are ideal for cooling and even transport the water. What do these filters? Increase the quality of drinking water by removing the bad taste that may cause the chlorine it contains, plus some salt waste and which relate to the water.

And while some countries are somewhat expensive to be renewed after a certain time, we must take into account that the periodic purchase of bottled water also ends up being expensive. Moreover, the filters are working to reduce the amount of plastic waste coming into the trash. And that is priceless.

Source: veoverde

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Videmexicanas Follando

The UN considers the consumption of insects

What would you like to eat today? Ants, spiders, cockroaches, a combination of all? In many countries around the world eat insects on a regular basis but for the more Westernized the mere mention of this practice still generates thousands of gestures of rejection, faces disgusting and a lot of scruples. Now

United Nations is seriously considering recommending eating insect world on issues related to the interest of the world, beyond the purely gastronomic criteria.

production and consumption of meat requires so much land and produce as many greenhouse gases that we must seek alternatives, such as c
omer bugs.

And it is estimated that over 80% of the world's population includes some type of insect diet.

Professor Arnold van Huis, entomologist Wageningen University in the Netherlands and consultant to the Organization for Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations (FAO by its acronym in English) said that the environmental benefits of eating insects are numerous.

"Insects are able to convert food into protein much more effectively than other animals, because they are cold blooded animals and do not need to warm your body."

"Producing a kilo of beef requires 13 kilos of grass or green material. But a kilo of meat a cricket, a beetle or a grasshopper just needs 1.5 to 2 kilos of feed and produces a fraction dioxide emissions carbon, "he explains.

Crisis meat

All this must be put in the context of the beef crisis in which we live, or live in the world soon.

population is believed to will world of 6,000 to 9,000 million people by
2050. And it's a proven fact that more development is consuming more meat.

"Applying the math is simple. On average, in the West, it consumes 120 kilos of meat per person. In China the average is 80 kilos per head, but we are catching up rapidly, "says the researcher.

"If five billion people eat 100 kilos of beef or pork, we need to grow an average of 6.5 billion kilos of forage for years."

"Not enough space or nutrients in the earth to support it and that means that the poor simply die of hunger."

"The good thing about insects is not only required less food to be brought up, but you need not eat as much to survive.

are an extraordinary source
ri to protein and vitamins "he adds. in Thailand ndia and to breeding farms there are 15,000 domestic cricket for human consumption.

In southeastern Africa, the industry mopane caterpillars is valued at U.S. $ 85 million and is an important protein source for indigenous people. Menu


So why not cons

Apparently, according to Professor van Huis all the stops for the insects to become part of Western menus are purely cultural: they are all prejudices.

One of the main prejudices argue is that insects are not palatable, "but if cooked properly can be delicious," says the researcher.

"There is no reason not to eat, in terms of taste or nutritionally, there is no difference between a meal of insects, birds or mammals." "

is cultural, when he spoke to many people in Africa say that when the missionaries arrived they were told not to eat insects because it was barbaric and primitive. And when people move to town and takes a leave western behavior this practice. Is actually determined by culture, "he concludes.

not worry. To win the Western apprehensive and reactions of disgust at the thought of insects a delicacy industry is already looking to extract the meat proteins bugs and introduce products and chord textures to suit the Western palate.

For a recipe for Chocolate Covered Crickets here

Source: BBC

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Exercise And Ggt Test

UN General Assembly states that water is a human right

The UN General Assembly on Wednesday defended the water and sanitation as a universal right in a resolution, although more than 40 countries abstained, saying that such a right exists in international law. Some

884 million people lack access to clean water, more than 2.6 billion lack basic sanitation and some 1.5 million children under 5 die each year from diseases related to these issues , said the sponsors of the resolution.

The nonbinding measure, presented to the Assembly in Bolivia, said that the right to safe, clean drinking water and sanitation is "an essential human right to full enjoyment of life and all human rights ".

in a clause that seems to place the responsibility to rectify the situation in rich countries, calls on states and international organizations to" increase efforts "to provide drinking water and sanitation for all.

The resolution was adopted by 122 votes in favor, none against and 41 abstentions.
Those who abstained were mainly developed countries, although Spain and Germany voted for the measure.

The countries that abstained noted that an independent expert, the Portuguese lawyer Catarina de Albuquerque, due on next year a report to the UN Human Rights based in Geneva, on the obligations of the countries on water and sanitation.

accused advocates of the resolution to try to subtract the validity of their conclusions.
U.S. delegate John Sammis said the resolution "is very far to enjoy the unanimous support of member states and could even undermine the work underway in Geneva."
The slender British
Nicola Freedman said London "does not believe that there is currently sufficient legal basis in international law to declare or recognize the water and sanitation as a human right."

However, the rights group Food & Water Watch, based in Washington, endorsed what he called a historic resolution.

Source: AméricaEconomía

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Look At My Sisters Boobs

scavengers Robots: the new trend ?

scavengers Robots: the new trend? A new project aimed at waste collection is gaining attention, it is DustBot Clean and Dust, robots that dump trash at home. Could begin operating by the end of the year to help solve the problem of hygiene of the street of big cities.

be able to access the network service robots, which have been developed by researchers in Italy, with a simple phone call. Very in tune with our time, perhaps not far to personally deal with the garbage dump is just a memory.

DustBot and DustClean robots are autonomous, but operate as a network and cooperate among themselves and are able to distinguish all kinds of garbage, selecting organic wastes, plastics and other materials. Recycling and also help provide users with information about environmental pollution.

Each robot costs between 14,000 and 21,000 euros, and the first cities to understand its functioning may be Bilbao and the Swiss town of Orebro.

Source: Environmentalism