final printed documents that nobody reads, computers on all night, a light that remains on for the weekend ... At work, bad habits are not lacking anti-ecological. What if we try to stop this trend around the holidays?
1. Saves paper. Each employee uses at work, on average, 80 kilos of paper per year. In France, an average worker prints 35 pages per day. The worse: about 24% of printed pages are never used and end up directly in the trash. Eco-friendly gestures. If it is an address and phone number will not print, but the copy in a booklet.
If not, we can use drafts (pages already printed on one side but lack and value). Another idea: bring together texts in a single document instead of printing each one on a blank sheet of ¾. If no service disponéis a waste collection and sorting, you can always grind your own sheets of paper. You will then be used to fill in fragile packages. It is always more useful than throwing them away! Finally, know cartridges that contain products harmful to the environment, such as lead.
2. Internet use in moderation. A Google search is equivalent to a distance of 56 meters by car, a comment on a blog, is 8 miles ... The eco-friendly gestures. Write it searches Google for clicks not multiply, reflect twice before downloading files or sending e-mails, not prove your mails every 30 seconds, close applications that you are not using, using a USB key to move to neighboring documents instead of sending a mail ... There are so many small gestures to navigate protecting the planet!
3. Turn off the light. Who has never left a light on when leaving work late on a Friday? A completely useless waste of energy. Especially when we know that an hour of light equivalent to between 50 and 100kWh of economy. Eco-friendly gestures. When we think of an empty room (obviously!) To turn off the light and not leave the computer "on candle. " We also suggest the installation in our company timers or lights with motion detectors in the transit areas (bathrooms, hallways ...). Another idea: electronics plugged into a power off will never forget. In the end, put our firm to maximize natural light.
4. No accumulation of plastic cups. A company of 200 people used more than 60,000 plastic cups a year. In the UK, are consumed 5 glasses of thousands of plastic each year. Knowing that one of these vessels takes over 100 years to decompose in nature and are not generally recyclable the impact on the environment is greater. The eco-friendly gestures. The solution is to privilege the individual cups or reduce the use of such vessels. When we go for water, we can, for example, reuse the same cup several times.
5. Intelligently use the air conditioning and heating. In summer the temperature does not always require the systematic use of air conditioning, sweet electricity. Similarly, some companies tend to overheat in winter premises. Eco-friendly gestures. We preferred to use old, but more environmentally friendly, fan. We also put in the path of the light air currents during the day and excellent ventilation at night, after the great heat. Your company can also be equipped with programmable thermostats premises, thereby reducing heat during the evenings and weekends.
6. I travel less to pollute less. Do you absolutely need to find you physically each week with your affiliate team located 300 kilometers? Not sure ... The eco-friendly gestures. A weekly meeting by telephone or, better yet, a video may very well be enough to you with your reencontréis colleagues. So take advantage of technological advances to limit your travel and save time.
7. I share the car ... or do bike! Is the ideal solution? Going to work on foot! But stop dreaming, this behavior is not always possible green. We, then, bicycles and skates or at least in carpooling. Know also that when taking the bus, emit three times less CO2 than by car.
8. Recycle ink cartridges. Over 40 million cartridges are used in France every year. Of these, only 15% of them are recycled, generating 60,000 tonnes of non-degradable waste. Recycled cartridges rate reaches 55% in the United States and 35% in Germany. Eco-friendly gestures. There are many agencies that they intend to recycle your cartridges and reverse the profits made to humanitarian work.
9. I team with the material more "eco." Okay, do not you ever ask your opinion on buying notebooks and pens. But you can always suggest to choose your top eco-responsible provider. You can find everything from shirts made of recycled cardboard, glues and adhesive tapes based on vegetables.
10. Have fun! If you are the boss, tell your employees how they can tell the difference. And show example! If you are the employee, nothing prevents you from putting up posters and / or stickers to remind people of the simple actions that can be done daily. Encourage your suppliers and customers to do the same!
1. Saves paper. Each employee uses at work, on average, 80 kilos of paper per year. In France, an average worker prints 35 pages per day. The worse: about 24% of printed pages are never used and end up directly in the trash. Eco-friendly gestures. If it is an address and phone number will not print, but the copy in a booklet.
If not, we can use drafts (pages already printed on one side but lack and value). Another idea: bring together texts in a single document instead of printing each one on a blank sheet of ¾. If no service disponéis a waste collection and sorting, you can always grind your own sheets of paper. You will then be used to fill in fragile packages. It is always more useful than throwing them away! Finally, know cartridges that contain products harmful to the environment, such as lead.
2. Internet use in moderation. A Google search is equivalent to a distance of 56 meters by car, a comment on a blog, is 8 miles ... The eco-friendly gestures. Write it searches Google for clicks not multiply, reflect twice before downloading files or sending e-mails, not prove your mails every 30 seconds, close applications that you are not using, using a USB key to move to neighboring documents instead of sending a mail ... There are so many small gestures to navigate protecting the planet!
3. Turn off the light. Who has never left a light on when leaving work late on a Friday? A completely useless waste of energy. Especially when we know that an hour of light equivalent to between 50 and 100kWh of economy. Eco-friendly gestures. When we think of an empty room (obviously!) To turn off the light and not leave the computer "on candle. " We also suggest the installation in our company timers or lights with motion detectors in the transit areas (bathrooms, hallways ...). Another idea: electronics plugged into a power off will never forget. In the end, put our firm to maximize natural light.
4. No accumulation of plastic cups. A company of 200 people used more than 60,000 plastic cups a year. In the UK, are consumed 5 glasses of thousands of plastic each year. Knowing that one of these vessels takes over 100 years to decompose in nature and are not generally recyclable the impact on the environment is greater. The eco-friendly gestures. The solution is to privilege the individual cups or reduce the use of such vessels. When we go for water, we can, for example, reuse the same cup several times.
5. Intelligently use the air conditioning and heating. In summer the temperature does not always require the systematic use of air conditioning, sweet electricity. Similarly, some companies tend to overheat in winter premises. Eco-friendly gestures. We preferred to use old, but more environmentally friendly, fan. We also put in the path of the light air currents during the day and excellent ventilation at night, after the great heat. Your company can also be equipped with programmable thermostats premises, thereby reducing heat during the evenings and weekends.
6. I travel less to pollute less. Do you absolutely need to find you physically each week with your affiliate team located 300 kilometers? Not sure ... The eco-friendly gestures. A weekly meeting by telephone or, better yet, a video may very well be enough to you with your reencontréis colleagues. So take advantage of technological advances to limit your travel and save time.
7. I share the car ... or do bike! Is the ideal solution? Going to work on foot! But stop dreaming, this behavior is not always possible green. We, then, bicycles and skates or at least in carpooling. Know also that when taking the bus, emit three times less CO2 than by car.
8. Recycle ink cartridges. Over 40 million cartridges are used in France every year. Of these, only 15% of them are recycled, generating 60,000 tonnes of non-degradable waste. Recycled cartridges rate reaches 55% in the United States and 35% in Germany. Eco-friendly gestures. There are many agencies that they intend to recycle your cartridges and reverse the profits made to humanitarian work.
9. I team with the material more "eco." Okay, do not you ever ask your opinion on buying notebooks and pens. But you can always suggest to choose your top eco-responsible provider. You can find everything from shirts made of recycled cardboard, glues and adhesive tapes based on vegetables.
10. Have fun! If you are the boss, tell your employees how they can tell the difference. And show example! If you are the employee, nothing prevents you from putting up posters and / or stickers to remind people of the simple actions that can be done daily. Encourage your suppliers and customers to do the same!
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