Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Lymphoma, Mono, Distinguish, Symptoms

Mexican Certification

As in Mexico there is also a way to certification, there are different brands and products certified by CONAGUA.
Although the information is more watered and in some cases vague, unlike the Australian system, yes there is a way of buying products with less environmental impact and the same products are manufactured and sold here in Mexico.

products certification by Conagua, are divided into 2 main categories are: "Devices Savers" and "Green Rating."

The former refers to all types of valves and allow passage of water. There is a catalog of brands and products recommended by Conagua.

Ecological Classification Grade refers to toilets and showers. There is a brand catalog Conagua and recommended products.
Below, some of the brands CNA Certified Organic Degree.

An example of a certified product are automatic valves Aquanomic that logic controller has a maximum flow of 10 liters. per minute, higher pressure greater savings, ranging from 20 to 80%.

Family of 5 with the use of Aquanomic Chaul save 20 KGS. of gas per month.

Conservatively we can say that saving 100 liters of water a day per capita.

words, ONLY IN THE METROPOLITAN AREA OF GUADALAJARA they would be saving 400 million liters of water a day!
and it costs only $ 25 PESOS EACH!
is time to start doing something in our own home.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Clear Little Bubble Inside Mouth

water meter water rainwater harvesting

What is a measurement system?

A measurement system is that set of elements that lets us know how much water is passing through the duct in a given period of time, for whatever macro or micro, can be considered a system measurement.

What does a meter?

The meter is a device designed to record the consumption for each of the connections through which water circulates. Is measured in cubic meters in their respective fractions the amount of water entering the house. Types


1 .- Volumetric System
The principle of volumetric measurement is based on the use of a container whose volume is known and serves as a yardstick to measure the amount of water that passes, completing and vacating on the recipie you.

2 .- speed measuring system
Count revoliciones giving way to a turbine wheel powered by water pressure exerted on it.

elements of a measuring system

is possible to identify five types of these elements, although some systems may be missing, or occur more than once :

Graphic of a measurement system.
(common meter housing)

how data are obtained in a measurement system?

There are three possible ways of obtaining data for the children of flowmeters teams:
1. Indicators.
2. Registrars.
3. Totes.

Indicators: These are measurement devices that provide instant by a needle-scale indicator, or other means to provide data that identifies the measurement at the instant in which it occurs.
recorders: These devices allow to obtain the information over time on a continuous basis by means of graphs.

Totes: So are referred to devices that digitize and integrate the volume of water in a cumulative manner.

Turbine Sensors
turbine meters are based on the movement of a paddle wheel that is inserted into the pipe, so that each wheel giru implies a volume given water that accumulates on a meter.

meter reading types
There are different ways to read meter among which are:

sound meter
What do they do?
measure the velocity of the particles, either suspended solids or air bubbles, which move in a moving fluid. A transmitter transducer emits acoustic signals of known frequency, which are reflected by moving particles, which are captured by a receiving transducer

Advantages and Disadvantages:

  1. The cost of the system is independent pipe diameter
  2. is relatively expensive initial cost
  3. accuracy decreases with a high solids
  4. It has no moving parts and easy cleaning
  5. requires specialized technical
  6. must be programmed for each pipe material, thickness and diameter
  7. Not required field calibration
" how to read the meter?

Water measurements according to their qualities or characteristics

How to detect leaks in the meter?
off all faucets inside and outside, and see if the sensor (the red needle marks only the flow) moves. If you notice any movement, take his time and determine how many liters per minute is wasted.

1. Around the front of your meter computers are displayed with a red needle consumption in liters it is taking your meter.
2. Black numbers represent consumption in cubic meters.
3. The red numbers represent fractions of a cubic meter.

Bedsheets With Peace Signs

L collection facilities as existing stormwater basically in channeling roof water


obtained water from rain can be used in washing machines, dishwashers and toilets.

Making rainwater has other advantages when washing our clothes, when rain water much softer than tap water, we are saving up to 50% detergent. (Contains lime)

Design Criteria

  • Number of users
  • · runoff coefficient
  • · Water Demand

pi = precipitción of the month "i"
Ppi = average monthly rainfall of the month "i" of the years evaluated.

Determination monthly demand ng

Nu: number of users benefiting from the system.

Nd: number of days in the month analyzed

Dot: Manning (lt / persona.día)

Di : monthly demand (m3)

Determining the volume of the tank

Ppi: monthly average precipitation (litres/m2)

Ce: runoff coefficient

Ac: area acquisition (m2)

Ai: Supply for the month "i" (m3)

Data obtained as presipitación Guadalajara Jal. Mexico 2009, runoff .9, daily allocation 150lts/persona/dia

room in a house could replace up to 50,000 liters per year of potable water drains.

system rainwater collection

The water falling from the roof goes to the storage Cuba (air or ground) installed in a cool place not in the sunlight.


Water 2.Deflector

3. Floating Suction

4.Sifon antiroedores

5. Absorption Pit
6. Deflector

Storage System stormwater Rotoplas

The filtered water should reach to Cuba and can not utilize water runoff. There are models from 1600 to 9000 liters, your choice will depend on the size of your garden.

Rotoplas system offers a social alternative to water for deprived communities.

Cisterna equipped Rotoplas 1000Lts $ 3,050.00
Cisterna Rotoplas without equipment 10.000 Lts $ 16,209.40

Cisterna Rotoplas without equipment 5000Lts $ 7,852.89

Rotoplas tank without equipment $ 4,212.22 2800Lts

Cisterna roroplas without equipment $ 2093.00 1200Lts

Bibliography / garden / AguaLluvia.pdf

* annual Presipitación Guadalajara JAL. Mexico 2 009 AMI.

Coefficient Runoff

Determination of average rainfall monthly

n: years worth

Monday, November 16, 2009

What Store Do They Sell Wallabies The Shoes


What makes a product Wels?

Wels All products must be registered, evaluated and labeled in accordance with the requirements of Wels Standard AS/NZS6400: 2005 Water efficient products-Rating and labeling.

The standard Wels, other product standards and technical specifications can be purchased from Standars Australia.

What are Wels?

allows consumers to compare the water efficiency of different products.
The rating system has six stars.

more stars the better, the labels also show a water consumption or water flow figure.

as architects, engineers deemed to be a direct seller of the product:

You are obliged to submit the product for your building becomes more sustainable, but it's not your responsibility if the pro customer purchases products for retail supply


is a public agency that focuses on meeting the challenges associated with national and regional water management. Have specific skills and competencies that give a competitive advantage and allow you to add value to products and services it provides to its customers and users. Collaborate with

was performed certification and accreditation of forty inspectors from the Directorate General of Water Management, assigned to watershed organizations and local addresses

The applicant must submit the processing CNA-02-004 "Certification of Products Subject to Compliance with Mexican Official Standards NOM-001-CNA-1995 and NOM-013-CNA-2000 the Water Sector"

Certification Bodies for Products, made product evaluation and grant any case, the certificate in accordance with its procedures, which are:

* Center of Standardization and Certification of Products, AC .

* Certification Mexicana, SC

* National Agency for Standardization and Certification of Building and Building, SC
aims to contribute to improving the quality and competitiveness of products
http://www. /