Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Bedsheets With Peace Signs

L collection facilities as existing stormwater basically in channeling roof water


obtained water from rain can be used in washing machines, dishwashers and toilets.

Making rainwater has other advantages when washing our clothes, when rain water much softer than tap water, we are saving up to 50% detergent. (Contains lime)

Design Criteria

  • Number of users
  • · runoff coefficient
  • · Water Demand

pi = precipitción of the month "i"
Ppi = average monthly rainfall of the month "i" of the years evaluated.

Determination monthly demand ng

Nu: number of users benefiting from the system.

Nd: number of days in the month analyzed

Dot: Manning (lt / persona.día)

Di : monthly demand (m3)

Determining the volume of the tank

Ppi: monthly average precipitation (litres/m2)

Ce: runoff coefficient

Ac: area acquisition (m2)

Ai: Supply for the month "i" (m3)

Data obtained as presipitación Guadalajara Jal. Mexico 2009, runoff .9, daily allocation 150lts/persona/dia

room in a house could replace up to 50,000 liters per year of potable water drains.

system rainwater collection

The water falling from the roof goes to the storage Cuba (air or ground) installed in a cool place not in the sunlight.


Water 2.Deflector

3. Floating Suction

4.Sifon antiroedores

5. Absorption Pit
6. Deflector

Storage System stormwater Rotoplas

The filtered water should reach to Cuba and can not utilize water runoff. There are models from 1600 to 9000 liters, your choice will depend on the size of your garden.

Rotoplas system offers a social alternative to water for deprived communities.

Cisterna equipped Rotoplas 1000Lts $ 3,050.00
Cisterna Rotoplas without equipment 10.000 Lts $ 16,209.40

Cisterna Rotoplas without equipment 5000Lts $ 7,852.89

Rotoplas tank without equipment $ 4,212.22 2800Lts

Cisterna roroplas without equipment $ 2093.00 1200Lts



www.maslibertad.com / garden / AguaLluvia.pdf


* annual Presipitación Guadalajara JAL. Mexico 2 009 AMI.

Coefficient Runoff

Determination of average rainfall monthly

n: years worth


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