10 liters are used per minute in a bath of 10 minutes are 100 L / person.
-Take shorter showers and turn off the faucets while soaping
- Harness tap water when water gets hot, accumulate for irrigation, use it on other things.
- Install some water saving devices that exist. They are of different types, reducing or economizers.
10 liters are used per minute in a bath of 10 minutes are 100 L / person.
-Take shorter showers and turn off the faucets while soaping
- Harness tap water when water gets hot, accumulate for irrigation, use it on other things.
- Install some water saving devices that exist. They are of different types, reducing or economizers.
Toilet 16L liters are used per flush, if used 5 times a day, are 80 L / person
-Use low-power toilet that uses up to 6 liters.
- not download the toilet paper only to draw face, cigars or other solid waste which does not produce odor, leaving them in the water until it is truly warranted a discharge or throw a trash can.
Used 3.5 liters per minute, if every time you utiliza15 seconds and used 6 times a day, are 5.25 L / person.
- not leave water running while we wash.
Used 3.5 liters per minute, if every time you utiliza15 seconds and used 6 times a day, are 5.25 L / person.
- not leave water running while we wash.
- Close the water tap while brushing your teeth, so a family of five can save up to 40 liters of water daily.
washing dishes
They spend 4 liters per minute, if the key is open 10 minutes and the dishes were washed 3 times day are 120 L / unit.
- not allow to turn off the faucets dripping.
-soak and soap all at once, without having the key open and only open it to the final rinse.
washing and cooking food
used on average 4 liters of water per day per unit.
-When washing vegetables using a full container washed all at once, if you're using the sink, replace the cap. The water can be used to build up the toilet and plants.
- Use little water to cook vegetables, the taste and nutritional value is lost to water.
- not pull the water used to cook vegetables with it can make different soups.
-not use tap water or waste shells to drag down the drain, put them in the trash. Or make a compost that will serve as fertilizer for your plants.
used on average 90 liters in a large load, if we wash 3 times a week, are 270 liters.
divided by 7 days a week, are 38.5 liters per day per unit.
Total daily water consumption per person = 229.45 liters / day.
(Regardless of washing dishes and food at home is room)
Note: The average daily water consumption is 300 liters per capita in the metropolitan area and much municipalities of Jalisco.
(Regardless of washing dishes and food at home is room)
Note: The average daily water consumption is 300 liters per capita in the metropolitan area and much municipalities of Jalisco.
The difference between these two figures are the leaks in homes. The 75% of leaks associated with housing are presented in the intake pipe at home, the 10% in the attachment to the side branches of the network, and the rest to valves, elbows and couplings. (National Commission for the Use of energy efficient and water.)
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