Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Kirkland Dog Bed Filling

Block Acrylic construction

PMMA (Polymethylmethacrylate) or known as acrylic plastic is a variant of a more flexible and easy to work.

vinyl polymer is a family of acrylates dare obtained from the polymerization of methyl methacrylate.
Synergy produced:

environmental impact production
Only 4% of global oil is used in plastics production.


100 kilograms of oil to produce 1000 bottles,
230 kilograms of oil to produce 1000 bottles

"It takes 57% less energy to produce plastic bottle glass "

environmental impact transport

You save up to 39% of the fuel to transport in acrylic comparison of glass.

"Plastics generally constitute 7% of municipal solid waste"


High resistance the impact of 10 to 20 times that of glass .

weather resistant and UV . No significant aging over 10 years of exterior exposure.

hardness similar to that of aluminum: scratches easily with any metal objects, must be polished.

its surface is protected with a polyethylene film to prevent scratching during handling.

combustion easy, does not turn off when removed from heat. Its gases have a fruity smell and crackle when burned. not produce any toxic gases on burning so we can consider it a very safe product to people next elements like wood.


Acrylic is a 100% recyclable.

Transparency of around 93%. The most transparent plastics.

Excellent thermal and acoustic insulation

Light in comparison with the glass (about half), with a density
of about 1190 kg/m3 is only slightly heavier than water.
. Certification

Green Star, by Good Environmental Choice certifies Akril , company focused on the production of acrylic panels as an innovative solution for coating with appearance


Transmission of 93% light

color orders at


Vertical panels

guaranteed durability against UV rays for more than 10 years


Lower cost than tinted glass

Easy to work


code of recycled resin in each panel

can be disassembled for recycling

approved stages.



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