The quarry is a stone formed in the earth millions of years. It is classified among the magmatic formations, which were solidified slowly trapped in the heart of the mountain. The darker color are the clearest.
The material varies according to levels:
1) Levels pyroclastic products of various colors, consisting of fragments of pumice and volcanic glass.
2) little pink Cantera consolidated in its pasta with white pumice and andesitic volcanic rock fragments, these latter are angular or rounded and of various colors. It is a very soft material.
3) Quarry rose very similar to the above but welded (hard) as above, there are wide fractures. Is compact.
The quarry natural, hand-carved in the traditional manner with the aid of tools current technology, it goes through a process of timber extraction, import and placement.
also has properties in the area:
The stone quarry is composed of volcanic ash.
The material varies according to levels:
1) Levels pyroclastic products of various colors, consisting of fragments of pumice and volcanic glass.
2) little pink Cantera consolidated in its pasta with white pumice and andesitic volcanic rock fragments, these latter are angular or rounded and of various colors. It is a very soft material.
3) Quarry rose very similar to the above but welded (hard) as above, there are wide fractures. Is compact.
4) level with abundant flint quarry red or pink wine. This material is extremely hard.
The quarry natural, hand-carved in the traditional manner with the aid of tools current technology, it goes through a process of timber extraction, import and placement.
What synergy?
All quarry has a shelf life, and once drained, the abandonment of farming causes of environmental problems, mainly related to the destruction of landscape and visual pollution.
How does the welfare of the occupants?
With its diversity of colors, the quarry can be used in different elements. For example in facades, fountains, contours pool, floors, interior walls and main entrances.
also has properties in the area:
- is not slippery.
- ice resistant and high impact.
- have very low values \u200b\u200bof erosion.
- Meets the essential objectives of the construction, resistance to the elements of nature, availability and, above all, the durability that the human being seeks.
Barriers level mining:
- Australia, despite being a country rich in natural resources, not noted for its richness and variety of natural stone.
- The few natural stone quarries are spread across Australia. Distances and difficult access from the quarry to detract transportation cost.
- Local companies have not developed the economies of scale that enable them to produce more efficiently.
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