As in Mexico there is also a way to certification, there are different brands and products certified by CONAGUA.
Although the information is more watered and in some cases vague, unlike the Australian system, yes there is a way of buying products with less environmental impact and the same products are manufactured and sold here in Mexico.
products certification by Conagua, are divided into 2 main categories are: "Devices Savers" and "Green Rating."
The former refers to all types of valves and allow passage of water. There is a catalog of brands and products recommended by Conagua.
Below, some of the brands CNA Certified Organic Degree.
An example of a certified product are automatic valves Aquanomic that logic controller has a maximum flow of 10 liters. per minute, higher pressure greater savings, ranging from 20 to 80%.
Family of 5 with the use of Aquanomic Chaul save 20 KGS. of gas per month.
Conservatively we can say that saving 100 liters of water a day per capita.
words, ONLY IN THE METROPOLITAN AREA OF GUADALAJARA they would be saving 400 million liters of water a day!
and it costs only $ 25 PESOS EACH!
is time to start doing something in our own home.
and it costs only $ 25 PESOS EACH!
is time to start doing something in our own home.